enhawk Property Finance Ltd is a company registered in England & Wales with registration number 11539817 and whose registered office is at:
2nd Floor, Mutual House, 70 Conduit St, Mayfair, London, W1S 2GF. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm reference number 826671).
You can check the Financial Services Register on the FCA’s Website at or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768.
Borrower name (s):
Asset Liabilities Address
Main residence
£ £
Other property 1
£ £
Other property 2
£ £
Other property 3
£ £
Other property 4
£ £
Personal chattels
(inc. vehicles, jewellery, artwork)
£ £
Bank & building society
(balance & overdraft)
£ £
Other assets
(investments, pensions
insurances, savings)
Investments £ Pensions £
Insurances £ Savings £
Other liabilities
(credit card balance,
used overdraft, loans)
Credit Cards £ Overdrafts £
Loans £ Other £
Statements of Assets & Liabilities
Please complete this form once if you are borrowing as a joint borrower and have the same Assets
& Liabilities as all applicants applying for the loan.
If your Assets & Liabilities are different, please complete this form multiple times as required.
If you are applying for a loan as a Company Shareholder and are providing a personal guarantee,
please complete this form and detail your Assets & Liabilities individually.
e also attach any supporting information / spreadsheets if available.
It is a criminal offence to knowingly provide false or misleading information as part of this application. This offence is punishable by up to ten years in prison and/or fines.
By signing the accompanying application form, you are declaring that the information provided is true, to the best of your knowledge at the time of completing.