Non-Refundable Processing Fee: $70.00
Entity Number: _______________________________
Business Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date Statement of Dissolution was originally filed: ______________________________
This Statement of Correction is being filed to rescind the voluntary dissolution noted above and will
become effective as of the date of that filing.
The Statement of Correction must be signed by the person rescinding the voluntary dissolution.
________________________________ ___________________
Signature Date
State of Utah
Department of Commerce
Division of Corporations & Commercial Code
Statement of Correction to Rescind Voluntary Dissolution (LLC)
Under GRAMA {63G-2-20
1}, all registration information maintained by the Division is classified as public record. For confidentiality purposes,
the business entity physical address may be provided rather than the residential or private address of any individual affiliated with the entity.
This form cannot be hand written.
Clear Form
Authorized party must sign here after the form is printed
Mailing/Faxing Information:
Division's website: