February 2012 (Form 3) Request to Postpone Filing Fees and Order Page 1 of 3
Approved by the Tennessee Supreme Court
f you think you cannot afford to pay the filing fees at this time:
• Fill out this form, and
• File it with your Request for Divorce.
Your Information:
Street Address City State Zip
Telephone Numbers:
(Home) (Work) (Cell)
Birth Date: (MM/DD/YYYY):
List your children below. Include your biological, adopted, step-, and foster children. Also list other
dependent relatives if they live with you for at least 6 months of the year, and who are:
• under age 19,
• under age 24 if full-time students (must live with you at least 5 months of the year), or
• any age with a permanent disability.
Name Age Relationship
Name Age Relationship
Name Age Relationship
Name Age Relationship
Name Age Relationship
State of Tennessee
Circuit Court
Sumner County
Request to Postpone
Filing Fees and Order
File No.
(Must Be Completed)
(Name: First, Middle, Last) of Spouse Filing the Divorce)
(Name: First, Middle, Last of the Other Spouse)