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State of New York
Division of Housing and Community Renewal
Oce of Rent Administration
Gertz Plaza
92-31 Union Hall Street
Jamaica, New York 11433
Web Site: www.hcr.ny.gov
Revision Date: September 2019
New York City LEASE Rider For Rent Stabilized Tenants
This Rider, with this Notice, must be attached to all vacancy and renewal leases for rent stabilized apartments. This
Rider was prepared pursuant to Section 26-511(d) of the New York City Rent Stabilization Law.
This Rider must be in a print size larger than the print size of the lease to which the Rider is attached. The following
language must appear in bold print upon the face of each lease: “ATTACHED RIDER SETS FORTH RIGHTS
This Rider has been updated to reect the changes made by the Housing Stability and T
enant Protection Act of 2019.
Section 1 (If this is a renewal lease, do not complete Section 1, go to Section 2)
If Box A is checked, the owner MUST show how the rental amount provided for in such vacancy lease has been
computed above the previous legal regulated rent by completing the following chart. In addition, the owner
MUST complete the Notice To Tenant Disclosure of Bedbug Infestation History, as required by the NYC Housing
Maintenance Code Section 27-2018.1, which is required to be served on the tenant with this Lease Rider.
Status of Apartment and Last Tenant (Owner to Check and Complete Appropriate Box - (A), (B), (C), or (D). Choose
only one.)
This apartment was rent stabilized when the last tenant moved out.
Address: ___________________________________________________________ Apt.#_____________
1. Previous Legal Regulated Rent $_____________
2. Guideline increase based on (1 year) or (2 year) lease. Circle one. (______%)
(Note: a guideline increase, if authorized by the Rent Guidelines Board, can only
be taken once per guideline year)
3. Individual Apartment Improvements (IAI)
In order to collect rent increase for the IAI, you MUST complete the itemized list below and enter the
increase in Line 3-G (below).
Tenant Request for Documentation
Check the box if you want to request at this time, from the owner, copies of documentation (e.g., bills,
invoices, cancelled checks, etc.) that clarify and support the individual apartment improvement(s) cost
detailed in this rider. If you do not request it now, you have the lawful right to request it within 60 days
of the execution of the lease, by certied mail and the owner must then provide the documentation
within 30 days either by certied mail or by personal delivery with a signed acknowledgement
receipt by tenant. (Refer to Rider Section 3, Provision 4 - Other Rent Increases, Individual Apartment
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Individual Apartment Improvements (IAI)
NOTE: Before completing this section, refer to the IAI limitations described in Section 3 - Provision 4 of this
3-A. Bathroom Renovation (check all applicable items)
Complete Renovation (if this box is checked you are not required to check individual items)
Individual Items (check all applicable items)
Shower Body
Floors and/or Wall Tiles
Other (describe) _______________________________
Total Costs for Parts and Labor 3-A. ______________
3-B. Kitchen Renovation (check all applicable items)
Complete Renovation (if this box is checked you are not required to check individual items)
Individual Items (check all applicable items)
Floors and/or Wall Tiles
Other (describe) _______________________________
Total Costs for Parts and Labor 3-B. ______________
3-C. Other (check all applicable items)
Light Fixtures
Electrical Work
Other (describe) _______________________________
Total Costs for Parts and Labor 3-C. ______________
3-D. Subtotal Costs for Parts and Labor (sum of 3-A, 3-B and 3-C) 3-D. ______________
3-E. Total Costs for Parts and Labor for Prior IAIs Collected on or after 6/14/19
(excluding 3-D)
3-E. ______________
3-F. Calculating the allowable IAI increase for this installation: $15,000 – 3-E 3-F. ______________
3-G. Total IAI Rent Increase (1/168th or 1/180th of Line 3-D or Line 3-F,
3-G. ______________
Note: 1/168th if the building has 35 or fewer units. 1/180th if the building is over 35 units.
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4. New Legal Regulated Rent (sum of 1, 2 and 3-G) $________________
4A. Preferential Rent* (if charged) $________________ $________________
(enter 4 or 4A)
5. Air Conditioner Surcharges: $________________
6. Appliance Surcharges (Tenant-installed washer, dryer, dishwasher) $________________
7. Ancillary Services charged (e.g., garage) $________________
8. Other (specify _______________________________) $________________
9. New Tenant’s Total Payment $________________
*If a “preferential rent” is being charged, please read Provision #17 of this Rider.
This apartment was Rent Controlled at the time the last tenant moved out. This tenant is the rst
rent stabilized tenant and the rent agreed to and stated in the lease to which this Rider is attached is
$_______________. The owner is entitled to charge a market rent to the rst rent stabilized tenant. The
rst rent charged to the rst rent stabilized tenant becomes the initial legal regulated rent for the apartment
under the rent stabilization system. However, if the tenant has reason to believe that this rent exceeds a
“fair market rent”, the tenant may le a “Fair Market Rent Appeal” with DHCR. The owner is required to
give the tenant notice, on DHCR Form RR-1, of the right to le such an appeal. The notice must be served
by certied mail. A tenant only has 90 days, after such notice was mailed to the tenant by the owner by
certied mail, to le an appeal. Otherwise, the rent set forth on the registration form becomes the initial
legal regulated rent.
The rent for this apartment is an Initial or Restructured Rent pursuant to a Government Program.
(Specify Program _______________________________) $________________
Other ________________________________________________________
Section 2 – This section needs to be completed for vacancy and renewal leases
Lease Rider for the housing accommodation:
(Print Housing Accommodation’s Address and Apartment Number)
Lease Start Date: _______________________________ Lease End Date: ________________________________
Lease Dated: ___________________________________
The tenant named in the lease hereby acknowledges the contemporaneous receipt of the above lease rider for the
housing accommodation stated above.
Print Name of Tenant(s)
Signature(s) and Date
Subject to penalties provided by law, the owner of the housing accommodation hereby certies that the above rider
is hereby contemporaneously provided to the tenant with the signing of the lease and the information provided by
the owner herein is true and accurate based on its records.
Print Name of Owner or Owners Agent
Signature and Date
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Section 3 - PROVISIONS
This Rider is issued by the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (“DHCR”), pursuant to the
Rent Stabilization Law (“RSL”) and Rent Stabilization Code (“RSC”). It generally informs tenants and owners about
their basic rights and responsibilities under the RSL.
This Rider does not contain every rule applicable to rent stabilized apartments. It is only informational and its
provisions are not part of and do not modify the lease. However, it must be attached as an addendum to the lease. It
does not otherwise replace or modify more exact or complete sections of the RSL, the RSC, any order of DHCR, or
any order of the New York City Rent Guidelines Board that govern this tenancy. The owner must comply with all
applicable state, federal and local fair housing laws and nondiscrimination requirements.
The Appendix lists organizations which can provide assistance to tenants and owners who have inquiries, complaints
or requests relating to subjects covered in this Rider.
Tenants should keep a copy of this Rider and of any lease they sign and carefully review the summary of lawful rent
increases described. Any tenant who believes that the rent they are being charged may be unlawful may consider
requesting a rent history of their apartment from DHCR (www.hcr.ny.gov). After reviewing the rent history, the
tenant can make an informed decision whether to le form RA-89 “Tenant’s Complaint of Rent and/or Other Specic
Overcharges in a Rent Stabilized Apartment.”
The owner is entitled to increase the rent when a tenant renews a lease (“renewal lease”). Each year, eective
October 1, the New York City Rent Guidelines Board sets the percentage of maximum permissible increase over the
immediately preceding September 30th rent for leases which will begin during the year for which the guidelines order
is in eect. The date a lease starts determines which guidelines order applies.
Guidelines orders provide increases for Renewal Leases. The renewing tenant has the choice of the length of the
lease. Dierent percentages are set for rent increases for leases of one or two years. For additional information see
DHCR Fact Sheet #26.
The owner is entitled to increase the previous legal regulated rent when a new tenant enters into a lease for the rst
time and this is referred to as a vacancy lease. The tenant may choose between a one or two-year lease term. The
allowable increase is set by the Rent Guidelines Board. However, no more than one guideline board increase may be
added per guideline year. Lawful Major Capital Improvement and Individual Apartment Improvements may also be
added to the rent.
An owner may collect a security deposit no greater than one month’s rent. When the rent is increased, the owner may
charge an additional amount to bring the security deposit up to the full amount of the increased rent to which the
owner is entitled. If a preferential rent is being charged, the amount of the security deposit collected can be no higher
than the preferential rent.
A security deposit must be deposited in an interest bearing trust account in a banking organization in New York State.
The tenant has the option of applying the interest to the rent, leaving the interest in the bank or receiving the interest
annually. For additional information see DHCR Fact Sheet #9.
In addition to guideline increases, the rent may be permanently increased based upon the following:
(A) Individual Apartment Improvements (IAI)When an owner installs a new appliance or makes an
improvement to an apartment the owner may be entitled to an IAI rent Increase. Tenant written consent
for the improvement and rent increase is only required if the apartment is occupied by a tenant. It is not
required for a vacant apartment.
In buildings with 35 units or less, the increase is limited to 1/168th of the cost of the improvement. In
buildings with more than 35 units, the increase is limited to 1/180th of the cost of the improvement.
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No more than three IAI increases can be collected in a 15-year period and the total cost of the
improvements eligible for a rent increase calculation cannot exceed $15,000. Work must be done by
a licensed contractor and there is a prohibition on common ownership between the contractor and the
owner. The apartment must be free and clear of any outstanding hazardous and immediately hazardous
violations. The written consent provided by the tenant in occupancy must be on a DHCR form. A
translated version in the top 6 languages spoken other than English will be made available for review
on the DHCR website. Owners are required to maintain supporting documentation and photographs for
all IAI installations, which commencing June 14, 2020 will be submitted to and stored by DHCR in an
electronic format. The IAI rent increase is temporary, as it must be removed from the rent in 30 years and
the legal rent must be adjusted at that time for guideline increases that were previously compounded on a
rent that included the IAI.
The DHCR Lease Rider oered to vacancy lease tenants contain notication to the tenant of the right
to request from the owner by certied mail Individual Apartment Improvements (IAI’s) supporting
documentation at the time the lease is oered or within 60 days of the execution of the lease. The owner
shall provide such documentation within 30 days of that request in person or by certied mail. A tenant
who is not provided with that documentation upon demand may le form RA-90 “Tenant’s Complaint
of Owners Failure to Renew Lease and/or Failure to Furnish a copy of a Signed Lease” to receive a
DHCR Order that directs the furnishing of the IAI supporting documentation. (Refer to Rider Section 1,
Individual Apartment Improvements.)
IAI rent increases cannot be collected if a DHCR order reducing rent for decreased services is in eect
and has an earlier eective date. It can be collected prospectively on the eective date of a DHCR order
restoring the rent.
(B) Major Capital Improvements (MCI)An owner is permitted a rental increase for building-wide major
capital improvements, such as the replacement of a boiler or new plumbing. Major Capital Improvement
rent increases are prohibited in buildings that contain 35% or fewer rent regulated apartments. The owner
must le an application with DHCR and all supporting documentation is audited.
DHCR may issue an order denying the increase or granting it in part or in whole and serve the order on
the owner and all tenants in the building. The rent increase approved in the DHCR order is collectible
prospectively, on the rst day of the rst month 60 days after issuance. There are no retroactive rent
increases. The collection of the increase is limited to a 2% cap/yearly phase-in. The 2% cap also applies
to MCI rent increases not yet collected that were approved on or after June 14, 2012. Upon vacancy, the
remaining balance of the increase can be added to the legal rent. In buildings with 35 or fewer units, the
cost is amortized over a 12-year period. In buildings with more than 35 units, the cost is amortized over
12 ½ years. The building must be free and clear of any outstanding hazardous and immediately hazardous
violations. The MCI rent increase is temporary and it must be removed from the rent in 30 years and the
legal rent must be adjusted at that time for guideline increases that were previously compounded on a rent
that included the MCI rent increase.
Vacancy lease tenants are to be notied in their lease about pending MCI applications.
(C) HardshipAn owner may apply to increase the rents of all rent stabilized apartments based on hardship
1. the rents are not sucient to enable the owner to maintain approximately the same average annual net
income for a current three-year period as compared with the annual net income which prevailed on the
average over the period 1968 through 1970, or for the rst three years of operation if the building was
completed since 1968, or for the rst three years the owner owned the building if the owner cannot
obtain records for the years 1968-1970; or
2. where the annual gross rental income does not exceed the annual operating expenses by a sum equal to
at least 5% of such gross income.
If an application for a rent increase based on a major capital improvement or hardship is granted, the owner may
charge the increase during the term of an existing lease only if the lease contains a clause specically authorizing the
owner to do so.
(A) Initial
An owner must register an apartment’s rent and services with DHCR when the building rst becomes subject
to the RSL and in adherence to any related regulatory agreements and/or tax benet programs.
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(B) Annual
The annual registration must be led with DHCR no earlier than April 1st of each year. At the time of such
ling, the owner must provide each tenant with the tenant’s copy.
(C) Penalties
Failure to register may result in such penalties, rent reductions, and other remedies as permitted by law.
A tenant has a right to a renewal lease, with certain exceptions (see Provision 10 of this Rider, “When An Owner
May Refuse To Renew A Lease”).
At least 90 days and not more than 150 days before the expiration of a lease, the owner is required to notify the
tenant in writing that the lease will soon expire. That notice must also oer the tenant the choice of a one or two-
year lease at the permissible guidelines increase. After receiving the notice, the tenant always has 60 days to accept
the owners oer, whether or not the oer is made within the above time period, or even beyond the expiration of the
lease term.
Any renewal lease, except for the amount of rent and duration of its term, is required to be on the same terms and
conditions as the expired lease, and a fully executed copy of the same must be provided to the tenant within
30 days from the owners receipt of the renewal lease or renewal form signed by the tenant. If the owner does not
return a copy of such fully executed Renewal Lease Form to the tenant within 30 days of receiving the signed
renewal lease from the tenant, the tenant is responsible for payment of the new lease rent and may le a “Tenant’s
Complaint of Owners Failure to Renew Lease and/or Failure to Furnish a Copy of a Signed Lease” (DHCR Form
RA-90). DHCR shall order the owner to furnish the copy of the renewal lease or form. If the owner does not comply
within 20 days of such order, the owner shall not be entitled to collect a rent guideline increase until the lease or
form is provided.
It is illegal for an owner to require a rent stabilized tenant to provide immigration status information or a Social
Security number as a condition to renewing the lease. (For additional information on the rights of foreign-born
tenants see DHCR Fact Sheet #45.)
If a tenant wishes to remain in occupancy beyond the expiration of the lease, the tenant may not refuse to sign a
proper renewal lease. If the tenant does refuse to sign a proper renewal lease, he or she may be subject to an eviction
An owner may add to a renewal lease the following clauses even if such clauses were not included in the tenant’s
prior lease:
(A) the rent may be adjusted by the owner on the basis of Rent Guidelines Board or DHCR Orders;
(B) if the owner or the lease grants permission to sublet or assign, the owner may charge a sublet allowance for
a sub-tenant or assignee, provided the prime lease is a renewal lease. However, this sublet allowance may be
charged even if such clause is not added to the renewal lease. (Subletting is discussed in Provision 9 of this
(C) (1) if the building in which the apartment is located is receiving 421-a (1-15) tax benets, a clause may
be added providing for an annual or other periodic rent increase over the initial rent at an average rate of
not more than 2.2 % of the amount of such initial rent per annum not to exceed nine 2.2 percent increases.
Such charge shall not become part of the legal regulated rent; however, the cumulative 2.2 percent increases
charged prior to the termination of tax benets may continue to be collected as a separate charge;
(2) provisions for rent increases if authorized under Section 423 of the Real Property Tax Law: a clause may
be added to provide for an annual or other periodic rent increase over the legal regulated rent if authorized by
Section 423 of the Real Property Tax Law.
In the event that the tenant has permanently vacated the apartment at the time of the renewal lease oer, family
members who have lived with the tenant in the apartment as a primary residence for at least two years immediately
prior to such permanent vacating (one year for family members who are senior citizens and disabled persons), or
from the inception of the tenancy or commencement of the relationship, if for less than such periods, are entitled to a
renewal lease.
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“Family Member” includes the spouse, son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, father, mother, stepfather, stepmother,
brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law or
daughter-in-law of the tenant.
“Family member” may also include any other person living with the tenant in the apartment as a primary residence
who can prove emotional and nancial commitment and interdependence between such person and the tenant.
Examples of evidence which is considered in determining whether such emotional and nancial commitment
and interdependence existed are set forth in the Rent Stabilization Code. Renewal lease succession rights are also
discussed in detail in DHCR Fact Sheet #30.
Written notication to the owner or managing agent should be given but is NOT required, before ling a decrease
in service complaint with DHCR. Owners who have not received prior written notication from the tenant will
however, be given additional time to respond to a complaint led with DHCR. Applications based on a lack of heat
or hot water must be accompanied by a report from the appropriate city agency.
All emergency conditions do not require prior written notication. These include but are not limited to: vacate order
(5 day notication), re (5 day notication), no water apartment wide, no operable toilet, collapsed or collapsing
ceiling or walls, collapsing oor, no heat/hot water apartment wide (violation required), broken or inoperative
apartment front door lock, all elevators inoperable, no electricity apartment wide, window to re escape (does not
open), water leak (cascading water, soaking electrical xtures), window-glass broken (not cracked), broken/unusable
re escapes, air conditioner broken (summer season). Complaints to DHCR on the appropriate DHCR form that cite
any of these emergency conditions will be treated as rst priority and will be processed as quickly as possible. It
is recommended that tenants use a separate DHCR form for any problematic conditions that are not on this
emergency condition list.
Certain conditions, examples of which are set forth in the Rent Stabilization Code, which have only a minimal
impact on tenants, do not aect the use and enjoyment of the premises, and may exist despite regular maintenance
of services. These conditions do not rise to the level of a failure to maintain required services. The passage of time
during which a disputed service was not provided without complaint may be considered in determining whether a
condition is de minimis. For this purpose, the passage of 4 years or more will be considered presumptive evidence
that the condition is de minimis.
The amount of any rent reduction ordered by DHCR shall be reduced by any credit, abatement or oset in rent
which the tenant has received pursuant to Sec. 235-b of the Real Property Law (“Warranty of Habitability”) that
relates to one or more conditions covered by the DHCR Order. For additional information see DHCR Fact Sheets #3,
#14 and #37.
A tenant has the right to sublet his/her apartment, even if subletting is prohibited in the lease, provided that the tenant
complies strictly with the provisions of Real Property Law Section 226-b. Tenants who do not comply with these
requirements may be subject to eviction proceedings. Compliance with Section 226-b is not determined by DHCR,
but by a court of competent jurisdiction. If a tenant in occupancy under a renewal lease sublets his/her apartment,
the owner may temporarily increase the rent by the current rent guidelines board adjustment, regardless of whether
the owner has increased the rent by the guidelines board amount within the prior twelve months. This char
ge may
be passed on to the sub-tenant. However, upon termination of the sublease, the Legal Regulated Rent shall revert to
the Legal Regulated Rent without such temporary increase. The rent increase is the allowance provided by the NYC
Rent Guidelines Board available when the tenant’s lease commenced, and it takes eect when the subletting takes
A tenant who sublets his/her apartment is entitled to charge the sub-tenant the rent permitted under the Rent
Stabilization Law, and may charge a 10% surcharge payable to the tenant only if the apartment sublet is fully
furnished with the tenant’s furniture. Where the tenant charges the sub-tenant any additional rent above such
surcharge and sublet allowance, if applicable, the tenant shall be required to pay to the sub-tenant a penalty of three
times the rent overcharge, and may also be required to pay interest and attorney’s fees. The tenant may also be
subject to an eviction proceeding.
Assignment of Leases
In an assignment, a tenant transfers the entire remainder of his or her lease to another person (the assignee), and
gives up all of his/her rights to reoccupy the apartment.
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Pursuant to the provisions of Real Property Law Section 226-b, a tenant may not assign his/her lease without the
written consent of the owner, unless the lease expressly provides otherwise. If the owner consents to the assignment
of the lease, the owner may increase the rent as if the assignee was entering into a new lease following permanent
vacancy. Such increase shall remain part of the Legal Regulated Rent for any subsequent renewal lease.
An owner is not required to have reasonable grounds to refuse to consent to the assignment. However, if the owner
unreasonably refuses consent, the owner must release the tenant from the remainder of the lease, if the tenant, upon
30 days’ notice to the owner, requests to be released.
If the owner refuses to consent to an assignment and does have reasonable grounds for withholding consent, the
tenant cannot assign and the owner is not required to release the tenant from the lease. For additional information
see, DHCR Fact Sheet #7.
As long as a tenant pays the lawful rent to which the owner is entitled, the tenant, except for the specic grounds
stated in the Rent Stabilization Law and Rent Stabilization Code, is entitled to remain in the apartment. An owner
may not harass a tenant by engaging in an intentional course of conduct intended to make the tenant move from his/
her apartment.
Below are listed some but not all grounds for eviction:
Without DHCR consent, the owner may refuse to renew a lease and bring an eviction action in Civil Court at
the expiration of the lease on any of the following grounds:
(A) the tenant refuses to sign a proper renewal lease oered by the owner;
(B) the owner, because of immediate and compelling necessity, seeks to recover the apartment in good faith
for personal use and occupancy as a primary residence or for the personal use and occupancy as a primary
residence of members of the owners immediate family; Note that the owner is only permitted to do this for
one apartment in a building subject to regulation.
(C) the tenant does not occupy the apartment as his or her primary residence. The owner must notify the tenant
in writing at least 90 and not more than 150 days prior to the expiration of the lease term of the owners
intention not to renew the lease.
With DHCR consent, the owner may refuse to renew a lease upon any of the following grounds:
(A) the owner seeks in good faith to recover possession of the apartment for the purpose of demolishing the
building and constructing a new building; or
(B) the owner requires the apartment or the land for the owners own use in connection with a business which the
owner owns and operates.
A tenant will be served with a copy of the owners application and has a right to object. If the owners application is
granted, the owner may bring an eviction action in Civil Court.
The owner may bring an action in Civil Court to evict a tenant during the term of the lease for the grounds stated in
the Rent Stabilization Law and Rent Stabilization Code.
Below are listed some but not all grounds for eviction:
(A) does not pay rent;
(B) is violating a substantial obligation of the tenancy;
(C) is committing or permitting a nuisance;
(D) is illegally using or occupying the apartment;
(E) has unreasonably refused the owner access to the apartment for the purpose of making necessary repairs or
improvements required by law or authorized by DHCR, or for the purpose of inspection or showing. The
tenant must be given at least 5 days’ notice of any such inspection or showing, to be arranged at the mutual
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convenience of the tenant and owner, so to enable the tenant to be present at the inspection or showing. A
tenant cannot be required to permit access for inspection or showing if such requirement would be contrary to
the lease.
Tenants are cautioned that causing violations of health, safety, or sanitation standards of housing maintenance laws,
or permitting such violations by a member of the family or of the household or by a guest, may be the basis for a
court action by the owner.
Tenants who do not purchase their apartments under a Non-Eviction Conversion Plan continue to be protected
by Rent Stabilization. Conversions are regulated by the New York State Attorney General. Any cooperative or
condominium conversion plan accepted for ling by the New York State Attorney General’s Oce will include
specic information about tenant rights and protections. An informational booklet about the general subject of
conversion is available from the New York State Attorney General’s Oce.
Tenants or their spouses who are 62 years of age, or older, or are persons with a disability, and whose household
income level does not exceed the established income level may qualify for an exemption from guideline rent
increases, hardship rent increases, major capital improvement rent increases and rent reductions for DHCR approved
electrical sub-metering conversions. This exemption will only be for a portion of the increase which causes the
tenant’s rent to exceed one-third of the “net” household income, and is not available for increases based on new
services or equipment within the apartment. Questions concerning the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption
(SCRIE) program and the Disability Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) program can be addressed to the New York
City Department of Finance.
When a senior citizen or person with a disability is granted a rent increase exemption, the owner may obtain a real
estate tax credit from New York City equal to the amount of the tenant’s exemption. Notwithstanding any of the
above, a senior citizen or person with a disability who receives a rent increase exemption is still required to pay a full
month’s rent as a security deposit. For additional information see DHCR Fact Sheet # 20 and # 21.
Some special rules relating to stabilized rents and required services may apply to newly constructed buildings
subject to regulatory agreement and/or which receive tax abatement or exemption, and to buildings rehabilitated
under certain New York City, New York State, federal nancing, mortgage insurance programs, or project based
vouchers. The supervising government agency that sets initial legal rents may also set preferential rents. The rules
mentioned in this Rider do not necessarily apply to rent stabilized apartments located in hotels or permanent housing
accommodations with government contracted services to vulnerable individuals or individuals with disabilities who
are or were homeless or at risk of homelessness. A separate Hotel Rights Notice informing permanent hotel tenants
and owners of their basic rights and responsibilities under the Rent Stabilization Law is available from DHCR.
Owners are authorized to collect surcharges from rent stabilized tenants for the use of air conditioners. DHCR
issues an annual update to an Operational Bulletin in which the lawful surcharges are established for the year. One
surcharge amount is established for tenants in buildings where electricity is included in the rent. Another surcharge
is established for tenants who pay for their own electricity. Such surcharges shall not become part of the legal
regulated rent. (See Operational Bulletin 84-4 and Fact Sheet # 27).
Unless a lease provides otherwise, owners are not required to allow tenants to install washing machines, dryers or
dishwashers. Where a tenant requests permission from the owner to install such appliance or appliances, whether
permanently installed or portable, and the owner consents, the owner may collect a surcharge or surcharges. DHCR
issues periodic updates to an Operational Bulletin that sets forth surcharges for washing machines, dryers and
dishwashers. One set of surcharges is established for tenants in buildings where electricity is included in the rent.
Another set of surcharges is established for tenants who pay their own electricity. Such surcharges shall not become
part of the rent. (See Operational Bulletin 2005-1).
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       
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 www.hcr.ny.gov-     ,         ,
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ס’DHCR ךרוד טגנאלראפ ןכארפש ןיא ןקעווצ עיצאמראפניא ראפ זיולב לבעליעווא ןענעז רעדייר םענופ סעיפאק
ןרעוו וצ טגנאלראפ זיא רעדייר רעד רעבא . ףיוא ןרעוו ןעזעג ןענעק ןוא ןאלפ טירטוצ ךארפש
DHCR רעד .סעיל גנואיינאב רעדא סעיל יסנעקיעוו א ןבעגסיורא םייב שילגנע ןיא ראנ טריפעגסיוא ןוא טלעטשעגוצ
.שילגנע ןיא ראנ טריפעגסיוא ןוא טלעטשעגוצ ןרעוו וצ טגנאלראפ ךיוא זיא ןגיוב סעיל גנואיינאב 
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19. FEES
Unlawful Fees:
family member.
RA-LR1 (9/19) Page 12 of 12
Some agencies which can provide assistance
New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR)
DHCR is a state agency empowered to administer and enforce the Rent Laws. T
enants can contact DHCR at our
website: www.hcr.ny.gov or by visiting one of our Public Information Oces listed below for assistance.
92-31 Union Hall Street
Jamaica, NY 11433
One Fordham Plaza
Bronx, NY 10458
Lower Manhattan
25 Beaver Street
New York, NY 10004
55 Hanson Place
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Upper Manhattan
163 West 125th Street
New York, NY 10027
Attorney General of the State of New York - www.ag.ny.gov
120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271
Consumer Frauds and Protection Bureau
- investigates and enjoins illegal or fraudulent business practices, including the overcharging of rent and
mishandling of rent security deposits by owners.
Real Estate Financing Bureau
- administers and enforces the laws governing cooperative and condominium conversions. Investigates
complaints from tenants in buildings undergoing cooperative or condominium conversion concerning
allegations of improper disclosure, harassment, and misleading information.
Various New York City Agencies such as Housing Preservation and Development, Finance and Buildings can be
contacted at 311.
DHCR has approved this form and font size as in compliance with RSC section 2522.5(c).