age 3
By signing this document, I understand that this is the current and most up-to-date list of all authorized signers. This form will replace
any previous documentation received regarding authorized signers for both STAR Ohio and STAR Plus. If your STAR Ohio and STAR
Plus accounts should have different signers, contact Client Services at 800-648-7827.
Name of Participant Subdivision and Title of Account:_________________________________________________
The above referenced “Authorized Persons” subscribed and sworn their
afliation with named subdivision before me on this _______ day of
___________ , 20___ in the county of ______________State of Ohio.
STAR Ohio / STAR Plus
Authorized Signers
Account #_________________________________________
Federal ID# _______________________________________
Mail to: STAR Ohio Fax to: 614-923-1149
PO Box 7177
Dublin, OH 43017
Email to: info@STAROhio.com
Name of Certifying Officer of Subdivision
Address: _______________________________________
Notary Public: __________________________________
My commission expires: __________________________
Effective Date:____________________
The following named persons are currently officers or other authorized signatories of the participant, and any one of them (“Authorized
Person(s)”) is/are currently authorized to act with full power to invest or redeem investments in STAR Ohio and/or STAR Plus for the
participant and to execute and deliver any instrument necessary to effectuate the authority hereby conferred:
___________________________ __________________________ ______________________ ____________________________
Name (printed) Signature Title Telephone Number
___________________________ __________________________ ______________________ ____________________________
Name (printed) Signature Title Telephone Number
___________________________ __________________________ ______________________ ____________________________
Name (printed) Signature Title Telephone Number
___________________________ __________________________ ______________________ ____________________________
Name (printed) Signature Title Telephone Number
Service Providers may, without inquiry, act only upon the instruction of ANY PERSON(S) purporting to be (an) Authorized Person(s)
as named in the Certification form last received by Service Providers. Service Providers shall not be liable for any claims expenses
(including legal fees), or losses resulting from Service Providers having acted upon any instruction reasonably believed genuine.
Online access. STAR Ohio and STAR Plus offer online access to your accounts. Users that require online access will receive separate
emails with a secure password and instructions on logging in to your accounts. The STAR Ohio username is first initial, last name in
all capital letters. The STAR Plus username is the email address provided for each user below. (Please note: Only authorized signers
can have Full Access to online accounts)Please provide the following information to obtain online access to your STAR Ohio and
STAR Plus accounts.
NOTE. Retain a copy of this document for your records. The document
is in full force and effect until another duly executed form is received by
Public Funds Administrators.
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_______________________________ _____________________________________
Name (printed) Email
_______________________________ _____________________________________
Name (printed) Email
_______________________________ _____________________________________
Name (printed) Email
_______________________________ _____________________________________
Name (printed) Email
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