South Derbyshire District Council
Standing Advice Note 1 Creating or altering a vehicular access
Commonly referred to as seeking permission for a ‘dropped kerb’, this Note
sets out when
you will or will not require planning permission or related consent(s)
for such works. Where
permission is required, further guidance is given below.
cases separate consent from the Highway Authority will be required.
You should contact Derbyshire County Council Development Control (
Highways) Network
Management on 01629 533190 or email
Is the proposed/altered access onto a classified road?
N Go to question 2
Y Go to the end of this Note
Unsure? Check
Is the proposed/altered access required in connection with permitted
development(e.g. provision of a driveway for homeowners, or an agricultural
track for farmers)?
Y Go to question 3
N Go to the end of this Note
Unsure? An access cannot be created under permitted development rights in isolation.
For instance the removal/re-siting of a fence to create an access would not
comprise permitted development, whereas the creation of a driveway (in
permeable materials or draining to a permeable area within the property if over
) in conjunction with creation of an access could be permitted
Furthermore a previous planning permission relating to the property may have
withdrawn permitted development rights for creating an access. Please check
the planning history for the property at
Would the proposed/altered access involve development within the curtilage of,
or to a gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure
surrounding, a listed
N Go to question 4
Y Go to the end of this Note
Unsure? Check online at:
Would the proposed/altered access lead to the removal of a wall 1m or more in
height within a conservation area?
N Go to question 5
Y Go to the end of this Note
Unsure? Check online at:
Would the proposed/altered access lead to the removal of or works to a tree(s)
within a conservation area or protected by way of a Tree Preservation Order?
Go to the end of this Note Y
You do not require planning permission or any related planning consent(s)
Unsure? Check online at:
Outcomes and next steps:
If you answered yes to Question 1 or no to Question 2:
you will need to make a
planning application. You may also require
listed building consent (see question 3),
relevant demolition consent (see question 4) or consent for works to trees (see
question 5).
If you answered yes to Question 3:
you will not need to make a planning application
but you will require listed building consent. You may also require
relevant demolition
consent (see question 4) or consent for works to trees (see question 5).
If you answered yes to Question 4:
you will not need to make a planning application
but you will require relevant demolition consent. You may also require consent for
works to trees (see question 5).
If you answered yes to Question 4: you will not need to make a planning application
but you will require consent for works to trees.
If you are still unable to provide an answer to Question 2 and/or require a check of planning
records prior to 1999, then please complete the relevant “Do I Need Planning Permission?
enquiry form, providing a completed copy of this Note with it. Proposed access enquiries will
only be processed where this Note accompanies the relevant
enquiry form, and where
questions 1, 3, 4 and 5 have been completed.
Making an application:
If you need to make an application for planning permission, listed building consent, relevant
demolition consent and/or consent for works to trees; the relevant form(s) and guidance can be
obtained at
You will need to accompany your application with a site location plan, to 1:1250 scale, outlining
the position of the proposed access in red and all other land in your control outlined in blue. A
more detailed layout plan to 1:500 scale should also be supplied to indicate the dimensions of
the access and proposed surfacing, alignment and height of boundary treatments, etc.
The application fee for such proposals (as of 1 July 2015) is £172 for access proposals relating
to a dwellinghouse and £195 for all other properties.
DISCLAIMER: The above advice is based on the answered you give and constitutes informal advice only. The advice
should not be relied upon as a Certificate of Lawful Development, nor as legal advice. The advice given does not prejudice
any formal action the Council may take in the future.