Revised June 2019
Standards for Satisfactory Academic
Progress (SAP)
Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) applies to students utilizing Veteran Education Benefits as defined by the Veterans
Administration (VA). The University's Academic Standing policy is completely separate from the policies governing SAP for Veteran's
Benefits. A student with an Academic Standing that prohibits course registration may not register, even if SAP is acceptable for
Veteran's Benefits.
Step 1 SAP PROCESS Step 2
Veteran Academic Probation (VAP)
A student will be placed on Veteran
Academic Probation if the cumulative or
term GPA falls below a 2.0, or if the
completion of courses attempted falls below
66%. The VAP restricts registration, but does
not prevent the student from enrolling in a
subsequent term. The VAP policy requires
that the student contact the Office of
Veteran Affairs at Thomas Edison State
University to be advised on the steps to
have the VAP removed, and briefed on the
possibility of being placed on Veteran
Benefit Denial (VBD) if SAP is not met while
on VAP status.
Registration while on VAP
A student will be allowed to register while
on VAP, but will be limited to one term at no
more than 6 credits. If the student achieves a
cumulative and term GPA of 2.0 or higher
and reaches a completion percentage of
66% for all courses attempted, the VAP will
be removed, allowing the student to register
for future terms without restrictions.
If Unsuccessful...
While on VAP, student
does not meet the
minimum cumulative
and term GPA of 2.0 and
does not successfully
complete at least 66% of
the courses attempted
for that term.
Veteran Benefit Denial (VBD)
A Veteran Benefit Denial will be reported to
the VA by the University through the VA’s
formal process. Once placed on VBD, the
student will be denied the use of any and all
VA Benefits and will be responsible for
payment of tuition and fees. Thomas Edison
State University will not certify for Veteran
Education Benefits under any chapter while
on a VBD.
Registration while on VBD
Students on a VBD may continue to take
courses at Thomas Edison State University
via alternate funding sources, such as
financial aid. The VBD will be removed and
upgraded to VAP when a cumulative and
term GPA of 2.0 or higher and a completion
percentage of 66% for all courses attempted
is reached, allowing the student once again
to utilize Veteran Education Benefits at
Thomas Edison State University. Our office
will retroactively certify these successful
courses after the grade is posted. Students
may also submit a transcript from an
accredited college or university showing
SAP has been achieved after the VBD was
placed (e.g., student attended a community
college or university after the VBD, and
earned at least a 2.0 GPA and completed at
least 66% of the courses attempted).
Appealing a Denial...
A student can appeal a VBD decision through the University’s administrative
appeals process. The appeal should be submitted to the Office of Military &
Veteran Education, and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The student
will then be notified of the decision within 10 days of appeal.
Statement of understanding:
I understand that my account has been placed on Veteran Academic Probation, due to my previous academic history. Furthermore, I understand that this
restriction is temporary and will be removed if I am successful, as outlined within this document. I have reviewed the information contained within this
document, and understand the reason the restriction has been placed on my account.
Name (Please Print): University ID:
Signature: Date:
Office of Military & Veteran
Phone: 609-777-5696
Fax: 609-984-7143
click to sign
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