Instructions for completing the Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution
Min. 6
Max. 8.
(First and
(Last 4
Tier 1:
(Check only
if member
is in Tier 1)
Term Begin
and End
Record of
Submitted :
(Check only
if official
did not
submit their
Record of
Elected Officials:
Highway 8.00 John Smith 0000 R11111111 1/1/2010- 32.79
Superintendent 12/31/2013
Receiver of 6.00 Michelle 1111 R22222222 X 1/1/2010- NA
Taxes Jones 12/31/2014
Town Justice 6.25 Michael Hall 2222 R33333333 1/1/2010- X
Appointed Officials:
Planning Board 7.00 Joseph Gray 3333 R44444444 1/1/2010- 17.54
Member 12/31/2010
A. Title: All paid elected and appointed officials (who are active members of the Retirement System) and are not paid hourly and do not
participate in a employer’s time keeping system that consists of a daily record of actual time worked and time charged to accruals
must be listed. For the purpose of the regulation, an “appointed official” is someone who is appointed by an elected official, an
appointed official or governing board. They hold an office in an organization or government and participate in the exercise of
authority. This also includes appointees of elected and appointed officials such as deputies, assistants or confidential secretaries.
B. Standard Work Day: The minimum number of hours that can be established for a standard work day (SWD) is six, while the
maximum is eight. A SWD is the denominator to be used for the days worked calculation; it is not necessarily always the number of
hours a person works. For example, if a board member only attends one three-hour boarding meeting per month, you must still
establish a SWD between six and eight hours as the denominator for their record of activities (ROA) calculation.
C. Name: The official’s complete first and last name must be included for identification purposes.
D. Social Security Number: The last four digits of the official’s Social Security Number must be included for identification purposes.
For security purposes, the last four digits of the Social Security Number can be omitted from the publicly posted version.
E. NYSLRS ID: The official’s NYSLRS ID must be included for identification purposes. For security purposes, the NYSLRS ID can be
omitted from the publicly posted version.
F. Tier 1: If the official is a Tier 1 member, this box should be checked. Tier 1 members are not required to keep an ROA.
G. Current Term Begin & End Dates: All officials listed on the Resolution must have a specified Term End date. Leaving this column
blank or listing ‘Tenure/At Pleasure’ is not acceptable. If the official does not have a designated term, the current term for the official
who appointed them to the position should be used. If they are appointed by the governing board, the chairman of the board’s term
should be used.
H. Record of Activities Result*: This column must be left blank if an official does not submit their required sample three-month ROA.
To determine the average number of days worked per month, you must divide the total number of hours documented on the three-
month ROA by three months to get a one-month average number of hours worked. Then, the one-month average number of hours
worked must be divided by the SWD to get the average number of days worked per month.
I. Not Submitted: This column must be checked if an official has not submitted the required sample three-month ROA within the 150
day requirement, regardless of whether they are being reported by another employer for the same period. If the Retirement System
receives such a Resolution, it will contact the official to notify them of the consequences of not submitting the ROA.
Once passed, the Resolution must be posted on your public website for a minimum of 30 days or if a website isn’t available to the public,
on the official sign-board or at the main entrance to the clerk’s office. A certified copy of the Resolution and Affidavit of Posting must be
filed with the Office of State Comptroller within 45 days of the adoption. The Resolution and Affidavit can be submitted via the Submit
Resolution for Official link in Retirement Online.
*To determine the number of days worked to include on the monthly report for the various payroll frequencies, please refer to the
Calculating Days Worked instructions available in the ‘Reporting Elected & Appointed Officials’ section of our website: