HR Form
HR Use Only: ___________
Staff Employee Performance Evaluation
Evaluation form applicable for staff employees represented by UAPD (Unit 1);
CSUEU (Units 2, 5, 7, 9); SETC (Unit 6); SUPA (Unit 8); and Confidential (C99) Employees
Date: Name: Empl ID:
Original Hire Date:
This evaluation is for the time period from: to
Classification Title:
As outlined below for each
respective unit
Permanent Employee
Temporary Employee
Each appointment/minimum one per year
3rd Month
6th Month
6th Month 9th Month
11th Month
12th Month
Were tasks and responsibilities described by the position’s job description reviewed by both the employee and evaluator? Yes No
Is this job description current? Yes No If no, please update Form 120 and forward to Human Resources with this performance evaluation.
Please check box in appropriate column.
Attach additional sheets if necessary.
1. Job Knowledge
Demonstrates the knowledge and skills
necessary to perform the essential
functions of the job description.
2. Quality of Work
Demonstrates accuracy, thoroughness
and efficiency; understands goals and
completes assignments within reasonable
Rating Definitions
Exceeds Expectations
Performance exceeds expectations due to exceptional quality of work performed in all essential areas of responsibility resulting in an overall quality of
work that is excellent, and/or includes the completion of a major goal/project, and/or makes an exceptional or unique contribution in support of unit,
department, or University objectives. Meets annual goals or exceeds expectations.
Meets Expectations (Satisfactory):
Performance consistently meets expectations in all essential areas of responsibility and the quality of work is satisfactory overall. The most critical
annual goals are met.
Requires Improvement:
Performance does not consistently meet expectations. Performance fails to meet expectations in one or more essential areas of responsibility, and/or
one or more of the most critical goals are not met. Overall quality of work needs improvement. Performance is consistently below expectations in
most essential areas of responsibility, and/or reasonable progress toward critical goals was not made. Significant improvement is needed in any
important areas. A professional development plan may be necessary to improve performance.
Frequency of evaluations
shall be sufficient to make
timely recommendation
prior to the end of the
probationary period
11th Month
6th Month
Non-Academic, one-year period
(Confidential Office Support/ Confidential Technical
Support/Legal Assistant/Legal Secretary/Paralegal)
6th Month 12th Month
Administrative, two year period
(Confidential Administrative Support/Presidential Aide)
6th Month
12th Month 18th Month 24th Month
Note: part-time service does not count toward probationary period.
3. Problem-Solving
Demonstrates analytical and problem-
solving skills; recognizes, diagnoses, and
resolves routine problems independently;
considers policies, procedures, and long
term ramifications of decisions.
4. Organizational Skills
Demonstrates ability to plan, organize and
coordinate job duties in a manner that
efficiently and effectively achieves desired
work goals/objectives.
5. Teamwork
Demonstrates ability to foster a
supportive work environment by
establishing and maintaining effective
working relationships within a diverse
6. Flexibility and Adaptability
Demonstrates ability to handle changing
demands and uncertainty; can respond
quickly to problems; receptive to learn
new techniques and procedures.
7. Interpersonal Skills
(Customer service, Communication,
Integrity and Trust, Professionalism)
Easily understood by others; able to
communicate clearly; demonstrates active
listening skills; demonstrates integrity and
professionalism; is trustworthy;
demonstrates tact and courtesy in
discussions with others.
8. Attendance
Consider the employee’s work
attendance and punctuality. Observe
the number of unexcused absences
or excessive absenteeism and/or
patterned absences. Also consider
when tardiness is held to a minimum
and is with good cause.
9. Safety
Adherence to and support of federal,
state and university safety standards
and practices. Follows work safety
procedures when operating
equipment, machinery, and/or
vehicles. Properly inspects
equipment, machinery, and/or
vehicles before use. Proactive in
dealing with safety conditions or
10. Supervision of Others
Promotes a positive work environment;
regularly communicates with employees,
delegates tasks and motivates/leads
others to achieve or exceed unit goals.
*Please explain how employee is not meeting expectations
with specific example(s) in Evaluator Comments Box.
Manager’s Comments Regarding Performance Review:
Manager’s Statement (Future Performance Objectives, Plans and Goals):
Manager’s Name/Title (Please print)
Manager’s Signature
Manager: By signing this form you are certifying your status as an MPP Administrator or their designee.
Date evaluation draft given to employee for review: __________________ Manager’s Initials ____________ Employee Initials ____________
Date Manager discussed evaluation with employee: __________________ Manager’s Initials ____________ Employee Initials ____________
For CSUEU represented employees: Time elapsed between these two dates should not exceed ten (10) business days (CSUEU Article 10.9).
All other units: Time elapsed between dates should not exceed five (5) business days.
Appropriate Administrator’s Comments
(May be Director/Department Head or Chair; Dean/Division Head; Provost/Vice President)
Administrator Name/Title (Please print)
Administrator Signature
Employee Comments
(Attach additional sheets as necessary)
Employee Signature
Employee: This signature indicates neither agreement nor disagreement with this evaluation, but it does indicate that you have read the evaluation and it has been
discussed with you. Please return original form to your immediate supervisor for submission to Human Resources
(rev. 09/17)
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
(rev. 09/17)
Optional: Employee Self-Recognition Form
Employee’s Name
Job Classification
Supervisor’s Name
Supervisor’s Title
TO THE EMPLOYEE: You are invited to use the lower portion of this page, and additional sheets as necessary, to list any
information which you believe should be considered by the Evaluator when assessing your performance. You may choose to cite
specific accomplishments, unusual circumstances, changes in your assigned duties and responsibilities, and any other
relevant information. In addition to the job functions listed in the certified position description, the respective staff performance
evaluation forms will focus on the following categories:
Staff Employee Performance Evaluation Form is used for UAPD (Unit 1), CSUEU (Units 2, 5, 7, 9), SETC (Unit 6),
SUPA (Unit 8), and Confidential (C99) Employees and measures the following categories:
Job Knowledge, Quality of Work, Problem-Solving, Organizational Skills, Teamwork, Flexibility and Adaptability,
Interpersonal Skills, and Supervision of Others.
Report of Employee Performance Form is used for APC (Unit 4) Employees and measures the following: Quality
of Work,
Quantity of Work, Professional Judgment, and Contributions to Campus/CSU/Community.
It is not necessary to detail every aspect of your assignment, nor is it necessary to document information already known to the