Registration of Expression of Interest
Academic Board Membership
Appointed Academic Expert
Please type or use BLOCK letters
Staff wishing to nominate are asked to complete the accompanying Expressions of Interest (EOI) submission
form. Completed EOIs may be submitted by:
Email to: ma
il to:
Mail to: Mr Ian Troupe, Secretary to the Academic Board
EOI – Academic Board Membership – Appointed Academic Expert
Secretariat, James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811
Enquiries to: (07
) 4781 4961
The process of appointment of ‘experts’ and addi
tional members will be undertaken being mindful of geographic
reach, gender and organisational membership, and consistent with the process of appointment of members of
Council Committees. The selection will be undertaken by the Academic Board Executive (Chairperson of the
Academic Board, Vice Chancellor and the Deputy Chairperson of the Academic Board).
Procedures for the Appointment of Expert Members to the Academic Board
1. Eligibility for appointment
The Board has six Expert Memberships in areas of:
1. Research;
2. Teaching and Learning;
3. Engagement;
4. Indigenous Expertise:
5. Scholarship; and
6. Quality.
The Board has two Expert positions available from 8 September 2019 in
the areas of Research and
Engagement. .Members of staff wishing to be considered by the Academic Board Executive (Chairperson of
the Academic Board, Vice Chancellor and Deputy Chairperson, Academic Board) for appointment to two of
six expert positions on the Academic Board shall:
1.1. Hold an appointment at James Cook University
1.2. Hold an academic qualification
1.3. May, but are not required to hold a current academic position
1.4. Nominated by a supervisor and a JCU colleague/member of staff
1.5. Provide evidence of their demonstrated expertise in the area for which they are nominating in the
categories listed below, and provide a statement on what they can contribute in terms of their expertise
and knowledge of governance:
2. Appointment Process
1. Calls for Expressions of Interest from eligible members of staff.
2.2. Academic Board Executive considers submissions and appoints the two expert members to the
Academic Board and, confirms the term of office that each appointed member will hold.
3. Term of Appointment
3.1. The Academic Board Executive will determine the term of office that each member will be appointed to
the Academic Board, being for a term of up to two years.
3.2. The term of office may be terminated by the person so appointed or by the Academic Board, in writing.
Staff who are academically qualified, are invited to submit an expression of interest for membership of the
Academic Board under one or both of the following two areas of Academic expertise, (please note you do not
need to be a current academic but must be able to address the relevant criteria. The list below is indicative but
not essential):
o Links with the Tropical agenda
o Proven ability to liaise across local, regional and global
o Industry knowledge relevant to JCU
o Connections with JCU Alumni
o Publications (Citations, H Factor)
o HDRs
o Supervision experience
o Knowledge of grants procedures (Tier 1)
o Knowledge of commercial consultancy
o Understanding of Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)/Higher Education Research Data Collection
o Distinguished Prof/Fellowship
The Duties of a Member of the Academic Board are below for your reference.
Duties and Responsibilities of a member of the Academic Board
Members - Roles and responsibilities
All Board members have a responsibility to:
- read the agenda papers
- attend meetings and participate in discussion
- be prepared to consider options and to vote on motions
- consider the implications of decisions on the efficiency, effectiveness and public standing of the
- participate in occasional working parties or other support activities
- consult with constituencies as appropriate, and within the limits of confidentiality where required
- keep the Chairperson, Secretary or Committee Officer informed if they cannot attend a meeting or meet
any particular deadlines.
All members, ex officio and appointed members, have a responsibility to act in the best interest of the Board and
the University.
Members bring to the Board their unique experience, expertise, values, insights and interests; including interests,
some members may have in particular segments of the University community. When participating in the decision-
making of the Board, each member should seek to support decisions which provide the greatest benefit to the
University. In this regard, members are expected to put forward their own points of view but ones that take into
account the needs and requirements of the University.
Members - Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Members are required to bring to the Chairperson’s attention any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest
that they might experience as a Board member.
This could arise as a result of the Board discussing a matter in which a member might have a direct interest (e.g.
a financial interest). Depending on the matter, it may be sufficient for the member to be absent from the meeting
during consideration of the item, or to refrain from voting on a motion.
The Chairperson, in consultation with the Secretary, will advise on the most appropriate action when informed of
the potential conflict of interest.
Policy: Code of Conduct for the University Council
Policy: Conflicts of Interest - University Council
Resignation from Board
A member wishing to resign from the Board must provide formal notice of their intention by letter to the
Chairperson with a copy to the Secretary.
The letter should contain a brief explanation for the resignation and the expected date of resignation. This will
allow for any preparation to fill the vacancy left by the resigning member in a timely manner.
Terms of Appointment
The Academic Board membership terms of appointment are available through the Academic Board Charter
Registration of Expression of Interest
Academic Board Membership
Appointed Academic Expert
Expressions of Interest close at 4 pm, Friday 26 July 2019
Family Name:
Title: Miss/Ms/Mrs/Mr/Professor/Other (please specify)
Given Name/s:
Campus: Cairns/Townsville/Singapore
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Signature of Applicant:
Email to: mail to:
Mail to: Mr Ian Troupe, Secretary to the Academic Board
EOI Academic Board Membership – Appointed Academic Expert
Secretariat, James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811
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