St. Olaf College – Duplicate Diploma Order form
May 31, 2012
St. Olaf graduates may order duplicate copies of their diplomas for $25.00 per copy ($35 for international).
Duplicate copies can be ordered only after the original diploma has been awarded. Duplicate diplomas will
show the words “Duplicate Diploma” on the bottom of the duplicate diploma with the date that it was issued.
Submit this form to the Registrar’s office with the check made out to St. Olaf College.
Current First Name Middle Last Name
Name changes are allowed only for currently enrolled students or former students who have had a gender
change. If you are requesting a diploma with a “name change” you must submit legal documentation. For more
information, please contact the Registrar’s office – 507-786-3014 or email registrar@stolaf.edu.
Name as it appeared on your diploma when you were a student
First Name Middle Last Name
Home Phone Cell phone Work phone
Email Student ID or SS#
Degree – BA (Bachelor of Arts) or BM (Bachelor of Music). Graduation date
Diploma mailing address: (below)
Address 1
Address 2
City, State, Zip Code, Country
Signature (required to release diploma)
Delivery method is by Certified USPS mail. There is no additional charge for this. If you would like some other
delivery method, please call 507-786-3015 or email registrar@stolaf.edu
to ask about charges.
Diplomas will not be printed without pre-payment. Checks or money orders should be made out to St. Olaf
College for $25.00 for each diploma ($35 for international).
Daytime phone – required for delivery:
Mail payment with this order form to:
Registrar’s Office, St. Olaf College, 1520 St. Olaf Ave, Northfield, MN 55057
Or fax this form to: 507-786-3758 (please call with cc information if you prefer not to include it in your fax)
Credit Card information:
If you wish to pay by credit card, we take VISA MASTERCARD (check one)
Credit card # Security code (on back of card)
Credit card expiration date
Credit card signature Date:
Credit card billing address, house # and zip code
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit