Describe the processes and firings with which you are familiar? Please be detailed about your knowledge.
Do you understand that if you are awarded a position in ceramics you will be required to work during finals week,
of the semester in which you are awarded employment, in order to ensure that all student work is fired and that the
studio is clean and orderly.
Please Initial ______________
Do you understand that this position varies in hourly work commitments based on the workflow in the studio?
There may be weeks of minimal hours and others of great demand.
Please Initial __________________
Do you understand that this job requires you to be responsible for the safety of others, abiding all safety rules and
procedures of the St. Olaf Art Department, requires common sense, a knowledge of all ceramics processes,
requires that you keep the ceramics studio in good repair, operating smoothly, and requires that you want to learn
more about the ceramic process?
Please Initial ______________
Do you understand that this position is not the kind that allows you to work on your homework or your own
projects but rather is about taking pride in the upkeep and operation of the ceramics studio?
Please Initial __________________