I hereby affirm that my answer to the questions on this application are true and correct and that I have
not withheld any fact or circumstance that would, if discovered, affect my application negatively. I
understand that misrepresentation or omission of a fact called for in this application or any other related
records may be cause for immediate dismissal. In addition, I authorize St. John’s College to verify any
and all information contained in this application. I give permission for St. John’s College to obtain and
review information pertaining to my background, without limitation. I request and authorize those
entities contacted in connection with my application to provide St. John’s College with any and all
information, which they believe, may be relevant. I release from any liability all individuals and
organizations who provide information to St. John’s College in good faith concerning my qualifications
and background. I further release St. John’s College and all representatives of St. John’s College from
liability in connection with the investigation and evaluation of my application. I waive any claims that I
might otherwise hereafter have against St. John’s College its agents and officials, or against anyone who
provides such information.
I understand and agree that no representative of the College has any authority to enter into any agreement
for any specified period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing, unless it is in
writing and signed by an authorized College representative. I also understand that employment at the
College is “at will” unless otherwise defined.
Signature ____________________________________________________________ Date___________
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