Please list the total number of people in your household
Have you applied for financial aid for the current academic year?
Yes No
Were you awarded financial aid for the current academic year?
Yes No
Are you Dependent or Independent*, as defined by Federal Student Aid?
Dependent Independent
*An independent student is one of the following: at least 24 years old (born before Jan. 1, 1988), married, a graduate or professional student, a veteran, a member of the
armed forces, an orphan, a ward of the court, or someone with legal dependents other than a spouse.
If Dependent:
1. Did you or your parents file a tax return for the previous federal income tax year?
Yes No, but I intend to file No, I was not required to file.
2. Please indicate your family’s taxable income (refer to the previous year’s federal income tax return - 1040: line 43,
1040A: line 27, 1040EZ: line 6):
If Independent:
1. Did you file a tax return for the previous federal income tax year?
Yes No, but I intend to file No, I was not required to file.
2. Please indicate your taxable income (refer to the previous year’s federal income tax return - 1040: line 43, 1040A:
line 27, 1040EZ: line 6):
3. Are you currently employed?
Part-time Full-time Not Employed
If yes, where?
Do you have any physical or learning disabilities?
Yes No
Do you receive services from Disability Resource Programs (DRP)?
Are you a veteran of the armed forces?
Yes No
Is English your primary language?
Yes No
Are you currently in EOP or EOPS?
Yes No
Have you previously participated in a TRiO program (e.g., Upward Bound, Talent Search)?
Yes No
How did you hear about Student Support Services (SSS)?
Friend Faculty/Staff Brochure Other
If you selected "Other," please explain:
What services are you interested in? This information is required; please check all that apply.
Individualized Counseling Career Planning Tutoring Educational Workshops
Writing SkillsGraduate School Preparation FAFSA Assistance Cultural Enrichment
Yes No
If no, please list your primary language: