Form SSA-8 (11-2013) EF (11-2013)
(a) Did the deceased ever engage in work that was covered
under the social security system of a country other than the
United States?
(If "Yes," answer (b).)
(If "No," go on to item 11.)
(b) If "Yes," list the country(ies).
(a) Is the deceased survived by a spouse?
If "Yes", enter information about the marriage in effect at the time of death below. If "No",
go on to item 11(b) if the deceased had prior marriages or item 12 if the deceased never
Spouse's Name (including Maiden Name) When (Month, day, year) Where (Name of City and State)
How marriage ended
When (Month, day, year) Where (Name of City and State)
Marriage performed by:
Clergyman or public official
Other (Explain in "Remarks")
Spouse's date of birth (or age)
Spouse's Social Security Number (If none
or unknown, so indicate)
/ /
(b) If the deceased had a prior marriage(s) that lasted at least 10 years, enter the information below. If the
deceased married the same individual multiple times and the remarriage took place within the year
immediately following the year of the divorce, and the combined period of marriage totaled 10 years or more,
include the marriage. If none or unknown, so indicate.
Spouse's Name (including Maiden Name) When (Month, day, year) Where (Name of City and State)
How marriage ended
When (Month, day, year) Where (Name of City and State)
Marriage performed by:
Clergyman or public official
Other (Explain in Remarks)
Spouse's date of birth (or age) If spouse deceased, give date of death
Spouse's Social Security Number (If none or unknown, so indicate)
/ /
(c) If the deceased has surviving children as defined in item 12 and he or she was married to the child's mother or
father but the marriage ended in divorce, enter information on the marriage if not already listed in 11(b).
If none or unknown, so indicate.
Spouse's Name (including Maiden Name) When (Month, day, year) Where (Name of City and State)
How marriage ended
When (Month, day, year) Where (Name of City and State)
Marriage performed by:
Clergyman or public official
Other (Explain in Remarks)
Spouse's date of birth (or age) If spouse deceased, give date of death
Spouse's Social Security Number (If none or unknown, so indicate)
/ /
12. The deceased's surviving children (including natural children, adopted children, and stepchildren) or dependent
grandchildren (including stepgrandchildren) may be eligible for benefits based on the earnings record of the
List below ALL such children who are now or were in the past 12 months UNMARRIED and:
• DISABLED OR HANDICAPPED (age 18 or over and disability began before age 22)
(If none, write ''None.'')
Full Name of Child Full Name of Child
13. Is there a surviving parent (or parents) of the deceased who was
receiving support from the deceased either at the time the
deceased became disabled under the Social Security law or at
the time of death?
(If "Yes," enter the name and address of the
parent(s) in "Remarks".)
14. Have you filed for any Social Security benefits on the deceased's
earnings record before?
Yes No
NOTE: If there is a surviving spouse, continue with item 15. If not, skip items 15 through 18.
15. If you are not the surviving spouse, enter the surviving spouse's name and address here
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