Spring 2020 Drop Form
For Spring 2020 only, faculty and chair signatures and supporting
documentation are not required per Senate Resolution 19-02
The last day to drop a class has been extended to the end of business on May 29, 2020.
You may submit the form to the Enrollment Center, first floor, Sage Hall, or you may submit via email to registrar@csuci.edu.
**Student Checklist for Requesting to Drop** Withdrawals will be noted as a “W” on the transcript.
Enter course information below.
Enter the reason on the form. Please be sure to indicate if your reason is COVID-19 related.
Sign and date the bottom of the form. If you are unable to sign, please type your name on the signature line.
First Name __________________________ Last Name _______________________ Student ID _____________________
Phone _____________________________ Email_______________________________________________________________
Number of enrolled units before change _________ Number of enrolled units after change _________
Please give reason for drop.
Student Signature __________________________________________________ Date _____________________
Registrar’s Office Use Only
Processed (Initials/date): ________________________________ In Housing? Y / N VA Benefits? Y / N Notification (Initials/date): __________________________
Subject and Course
Course Title
PADA 232
Early Dance History
Enrollment Management
Registrar’s Office
One University Drive
Camarillo, CA 93012
Phone: (805) 437-8500