Booking Terms and Conditions
The Customer Agrees that where the Kapiti Coast District Council (the Council) supplies the Customer with goods/ and or services, the following conditions will
The Terms and Conditions of Payment (if applicable)
The Terms and Conditions for supply of Facilities and Equipment
The Terms and Conditions for Health and Safety
Any additional terms and conditions agreed in writing between the Council and the Customer.
Terms and Conditions of Payment
1. The Customer will pay the Council the set fee by the 20
day of the month following the date the invoice is issued.
2. Where payment is not made in accordance with clause 1, the Customer agrees to pay the Council all costs and expenses (including debt collection
fees or legal fees), incurred by the Council in seeking to recover the overdue amount.
3. The Council is entitled to apply all payments received from the Customer, first in reduction of interest and costs and then in reduction of any
amounts invoiced.
4. The Customer will notify the Council of any change of address or account details by contacting the Council in writing.
Terms and Conditions for Supply of Facilities and Equipment.
1. Where the Council provides the Customer with the use of grounds, facilities or equipment the Customer shall not use any of the grounds, facilities or
equipment for any purpose other than agreed with the Council.
2. Line marking on grounds will not be provided for casual bookings. Grounds will be marked only for clubs and associations paying for seasonal use of
the grounds. The Council does not provide goal posts, cricket nets or other such equipment for sports clubs and associations.
3. The Customer shall regularly remove all rubbish and waste from any grounds or facilities used by the Customer and keep them in a tidy condition.
4. The Customer shall not use any grounds, facilities or equipment in any noisome, noxious, illegal or offensive way or allow anything or any act to be
done on or in any facilities that causes a nuisance or disturbance.
5. The Customer shall comply with all statutes, ordinances, regulations and bylaws relating to any grounds, facilities or equipment, or use of such
facilities or equipment.
6. Nothing in this agreement shall create any lease, tenancy or interest in the Council’s land. In any event the Customer shall not assign, sub-licence,
mortgage, encumber or part with possession of any grounds, facilities or equipment, without prior written approval of the Council.
7. The Customer shall not make any alterations or additions to any grounds, facilities or equipment (including the affixing of signs or advertisements to
the exterior of any facility), without the prior written approval of the Council. Such approval may be given on such conditions as the Council sees fit
and the Council shall be entitled to require the Customer to reinstate the grounds, facilities or equipment at any time.
8. The Customer shall not carry on or do anything on or in the grounds, facilities or with the equipment that would make void any policy of insurance
over the grounds, facilities or equipment.
9. The Council may at any time when the Customer is using the grounds or facilities, enter onto the grounds or into the facilities to check that the
Customer is complying with these terms and conditions.
10. The Customer shall keep and maintain the grounds, facilities or equipment in the same repair and condition as they were at the commencement of
use, but taking into account fair wear and tear. If the Customer fails to maintain the grounds, facilities or equipment as required, the Council may
repair any damage and recover all costs associated with repairing the damage from the Customer.
11. No alcohol is permitted on the premises unless there is written consent by the Council. The sale or supply of liquor requires a licence under the sale
of Liquor Act 1989.
12. Council playgrounds and parks, including sports fields are smoke free. The customer is encouraged to ensure that participants do not smoke on the
grounds booked.
13. For one-off events lasting up to 6 hours, the Customer may be required by the Council to provide a Temporary Events Management Plan Form.
One-off events lasting more than 6 hours, the Customer must apply for and obtain the necessary Resource Consent. The erection of any marquee
over 100m2 requires a building consent.
Terms and Conditions for Health and Safety
1. The Customer shall take all practicable steps to ensure that the provisions of the, Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 are met at all times.
2. The Council may require the Customer to provide a Health and Safety Plan for any public event.
3. The Customer shall give the Council prompt notice of any accident or defect with the grounds, facilities or equipment the Customer becomes aware
4. The Council is not responsible for any harm or loss that occurs from the Customer’s use of the grounds, facilities or equipment. The Council may
require the Customer to obtain Public Liability Insurance. Proof of this insurance may be required not less than one week prior to the event.
5. Emergency and public access ways must be kept clear at all times. Motorised Vehicles are not permitted into parks, gardens and reserves beyond
car parking facilities, with the exception of authorised vehicles and motorised wheelchairs. Temporary vehicle access may be granted for specific
purposes, and then terminated at the completion of the purpose.
6. The Customer shall ensure that all participants, coaches, instructors, team managers, officials and spectators obey the Council’s Bylaws at all times.
This includes not entering any part of the grounds or facility that is not included in the booking.
7. For events, the Customer will provide marshals to ensure the orderly behaviour of participants at all times.
Cancellation Policy
1. The Council may cancel the Customer’s use of the grounds, facilities or equipment in the event the grounds, facilities or equipment are no longer fit
for purpose (e.g. ground conditions are unsuitable).