Sport New Zealand
Accountability Report Form
Rural Travel Fund
Queen Street, P O Box 404, Te Kuiti 3941, NZ. Telephone 07-878 0800, Fax 07-878 7771, Email, Website
1. Organisation Details
Organisation Name
I / We
This Accountability Form must be completed and returned to Waitomo District Council within
two months of your projects completion.
being authorised parties of the above Organisation hereby certify that the grant we received was spent
on the project approved and that any specic conditions associated with this grant have been met.
Amount of travel subsidy
Estimated cost of travel per year for the club/organisation
2. Fund / Travel Details
Please give details of how money was spent by providing a detailed breakdown i.e. petrol, car/bus hire
(Please provide evidence of expenditure, eg. receipts/invoices)
Distance travelled to local sport competition
Please give a brief description of the benets that have been achieved with these funds