New Jersey Ofce of the Attorney General
Division of Consumer Affairs
Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and
Locksmith Advisory Committee
124 Halsey Street, 6th Floor, P.O. Box 45042
Newark, New Jersey 07101
(973) 504-6245
Dear Candidate for C.E. Sponsorship:
A licensee will be required to have completed 24 continuing education credits (hours) during the triennial cycle (September
1, 2013 through August 31, 2016) prior to renewal of licenses in 2016. The 24 hours are required for each license you hold -
Fire Alarm, Burglar Alarm and/or Locksmith; however, licensees shall not be required to complete continuing education (C.E.)
requirements for the triennial registration period in which they initially received a license.
The 24 hours of continuing education must consist of the following mandatory requirements for all licensees:
a. A minimum of two (2) continuing education credits per triennial registration period in the Barrier Free Subcode,
N.J.A.C. 5:23-7.
b. A minimum of two (2) continuing education credits in the New Jersey Uniform Contruction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23,
exclusive of the Barrier Free Subcode.
c. A minimum of two (2) continuing education credits in the Americans with Disabilities Act Code, 36 C.F.R. Section 1191.
d. A minimum of two (2) continuing education credits in Industrial Safety.
e. A minimum of two (2) continuing education credits in New Jersey law and rules governing the provision of burglar
alarm, re alarm and locksmithing services.
and . . . “A licensee seeking renewal of a Burglar Alarm License shall have . . .”
f. A minimum of three (3) continuing education credits in Smoke Detection Systems.
All licensees shall obtain the balance of continuing education credits in trade-related/business subjects.
For individuals holding multiple Committee-issued licenses, the 10 mandatory credits noted above will count towards the
requirement of 24 credits for each license held. To illustrate, 24 credits, including the 10 mandatory credits, are required for
the rst license held. If a licensee holds a second or third license, then 14 additional trade-related/business credits are required
for each of those licenses. Thus, in the aggregate, a holder of a single license must earn 24 total C.E. credits, a holder of two
licenses must earn 38 total C.E. credits, and a holder of three licenses must earn 52 total C.E. credits during the triennial cycle.
Additionally, a licensee who completes more than the minimum continuing education credits set forth above in any triennial
registration period may carry no more than eight (8) of the additional credits into a succeeding triennial period.
The entire regulation for continuing education, N.J.A.C. 13:31A-1.12, can be viewed and/or downloaded from this website.
Below is an Application for Continuing Education Course/Seminar Approval. Please provide all of the information requested;
note that this application will hold a total of four specic courses but, if that is not enough room to include all of the courses you
wish to teach, the application may be reproduced. For each course you must provide the course title, a brief course description
and the instructor’s name. You are also requested to provide information relating to the length of the course/seminar. Be sure
to attach a detailed course outline for each course/seminar you wish to teach and a copy of the resume/curriculum vitae for
each instructor you list.
Please note that a sponsor is required to submit a Continuing Education Program Sponsor fee ($100.00) with his/her application,
N.J.A.C. 13:31A-1.4. Your certied check or money order should be made payable to “State of New Jersey.” Whether you are
seeking the Committee’s approval for one course or numerous courses, only one check for $100.00 is required, but only if you
submit all of your courses for approval at the same time. In other words, if you come back to the Committee one month or
one year from now with additional courses for which you are seeking approval, you will be required to pay another Continuing
Education Sponsor Fee ($100.00). This “all at one-time submission” concept is to encourage sponsors to submit everything
at one time so that the Committee can review the entire package. Your check/money order must be included with your
Application for Continuing Education Course/Seminar/Approval.
To avoid delay, please review your application and your entire submission for completeness. Please feel free to contact the
Committee’s ofce if you have any questions regarding the application process for teaching continuing education courses.
Thank you for your interest in teaching continuing education courses. We look forward to hearing from you.