Special Use Permit Application
June 5, 2019
Kevin Randle
John Roanhorse
Community Development Department
Planning Services Division
Special Use Permit Program
The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC or Community) recognizes and appreciates the
occasional staging of special events within the Community. In order to maintain safe conditions for the
Members, residents and visitors of the Community, organizers of special events are required to receive an
approved Special Use Permit (SUP) from the SRPMIC.
A Special Use Permit is Community government permission for the staging and carrying out of certain
temporary events or activities within the SRPMIC boundaries. Typically, these are activities that extend beyond
customary uses and may involve rights of way, culturally sensitive activities, require additional or special
Community resources and services or involve non-Community member attendance. SUP’s are intended to
maintain safe conditions for the Members, residents and visitors of the Community and organizers of special
events, as well as safeguard the Community’s Interests.
To submit a Special Use Permit (SUP) application contact Kevin Randle (480)362-7659 kevin.randle@srpmic-
nsn.gov or John Roanhorse, (480)362-7666 john.roanhorse@srpmic-nsn.gov with the Planning Services
1) An event organizer/coordinator must complete the SUP application (page 4-6) which is attached to this
document. The complete application may require additional information to help describe the scope and
needs of the proposed event. For most events, the application should be submitted a minimum of 15
business days (3 weeks) prior to the event. For events that involve alcohol, road closures, or
impacts to business ingress or egress, applications should be submitted a minimum of 45 days
2) Prior to submitting the SUP application the fee must be paid. The fee for the SUP application is to be
submitted to the Finance Department located on the first floor of Building A within the Two Waters
Governmental Complex. See page 3 to determine applicable fees.
3) The complete application is to be submitted to the Community Development Department (CDD)/Planning
Services Division (PSD) located on the 3
Floor of Building B of the Two Waters Governmental Complex
located on the southwest corner of Longmore and Osborn within the Community. When the application is
submitted, Planning Services staff will screen the application to ensure it is complete with the applicable
attachments. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. A minimum of fifteen (15) business days is
required for application review.
4) Upon receiving an SUP application CDD/PSD staff submit your application for an interdepartmental review.
The Police and Fire Departments will review the application and provide feedback regarding security and
emergency needs. If Police services are required the applicant will have to contact the Police Department
to prepare a Police Employer’s Agreement. For questions regarding Police assistance contact Sergeant
Jamie Lomay at (480)362-5775.
5) The event applicant may also have to contact various department representatives directly to coordinate
inspections. Generally activities where goods are sold, when food is prepared, when is construction occurs
an inspection will be required. CDD/PSD staff will direct the applicant to specific departmental
representatives as necessary.
Community Development Department
10,005 E. Osborn Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85256
Telephone: (480) 362-7600 Fax: (480) 362-7714
6) Events that occur in the Red Mountain/River Area or require special considerations will be reviewed by the
Community’s Administration Department. The Community’s Administration Department may forward the
SUP application for Community Council approval. Council approval will lengthen the time for processing.
7) Certain events or activities may require a SRPMIC Business License and Privilege Tax License. These
licenses can be obtained on line at https://secure.srpmic-nsn.gov/BusinessLicense/ or you may call
8) Certain events or activities may be subject to a Construction Permit. You will be notified if a constructed
permit is required. To obtain a Construction Permit contact the SRPMIC Engineering and Construction
Services at (480)362-5908.
9) A SUP may be renewed with the submittal of a revised application. Renewals are subject to review and
approval. A renewal is subject to a fee.
10) The applicant will be contacted when the review has been completed. The application will be approved or
denied based on the feedback provided based on the interdepartmental review.
11) When the SUP is approved, CDD/PSD staff will prepare the permit and contact the applicant. The applicant
will have to sign the permit when it is picked up at the CDD Offices in the Two Waters Building.
12) By signing an approved SUP the applicant agrees to comply with all the terms, conditions and stipulations
noted on the permit. In the event of noncompliance with the terms, conditions or stipulations the applicant
will acknowledge that the event may be suspended or cancelled.
The permit fee must be paid at the Salt River Finance Department (480 362-7700), located at the Two Waters
Complex, Building A, 1
Floor, 10,005 E. Osborn Rd. prior to filing an application. The payment receipt and
application can be filed with the Community Development Department receptionist at the Two Waters
Complex, Building B, 3
Floor. The mailing address for CDD is 10,005 E. Osborn Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85256,
Phone number: (480)362-7600. The SRPMIC accepts checks or credit cards. Checks shall be written to Salt
River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and to payment account XPS-10000-25-43800. Credit card payments
cannot be made over the phone.
Corporations, Companies,
Conglomerates, Firms
or Businesses will be assessed a fee.
1) Video recording, filming or photographing will be
assessed a fee of $150.00 per day.
2) General programs, plays, theatrical performances,
training, conferences, meetings, conventions, and/or
parties will be assessed a fee of $50 per event.
Non-profit or any other organizations not
listed above will be assessed a fee.
3) General programs, plays, drama, production,
theatrical performances, meetings, assembly or
gathering will be assessed a fee of $25.00 per event.
SRPMIC Tribal Departments, Community
Organizations, Enrolled Community
Member, or other Community affiliated
events will be exempt from fees except for
the cost of the event itself.
4) Exempt from the cost of the Special Use Permit.
No fee will be assessed.
The SRPMIC Administration will determine all Exceptional and Unique Event fees.
Special Use Permit Application Form Part 1
The first step in obtaining an SUP is to complete all parts of this Application Form. Please note an application
may require attachments and other supplemental information. The information you provide will be sent to
reviewers for comments and to determine if the event requires additional requirements or resources. You will
be notified by CDD/PSD staff on the status of your application.
Applicant’s Information
Event Organizer or Applicant
Contact Person’s Name:
Mailing Address of Applicant:
Zip Code:
Contact Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Contact Email:
Community Member
Yes No
Enrollment No.
Event Information
Location of the site (Address, if available):
Duration of Event: (Dates, start and end time):
Total Number of Days:
Event Summary: Provide a detailed, narrative description of the event. Include all activities, functions,
equipment and operations. Information provided in this section may be used in the Salt River Community’s
Calendar of Events.
Narrative Description of Event:
Will applicant be submitting a request to the SRPMIC Donations Committee? Yes No
Applicant hereby waives all claims against the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and the United States and agrees to
hold the Salt River Indian Community and the United States Free and harmless from liability for any loss, damage or injury arising
from the use of the premises by Applicant, together with all costs and expenses in connection therewith. I hereby certify that I have
read this application and that all information is correct. I further certify that I will comply with all of the provisions hereon.
Applicant Signature:
Received By:
Fee Received:
Business License:
Commercial Activity Community Activity
Application Number:
Approved Disapproved Renewal
Special Use Permit Application Form Part 2
SUP Attachments
Staff use only
The following information is to be included as part of the Special Use Permit
1. A Completed Special Use Application Form including Parts 1, 2 and 3. The application
is to include a detailed description of the event.
2. Fee payment: The fee for a Special Use Permit application is $ .00.
$150.00 Corporations, Companies, Businesses
$50.00 General Programs, Conferences, Meetings
$25.00 Non-profit performances, assembly, gatherings
Check shall be written to Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and to payment
account XPS-10000-25-43800. Credit cards are also accepted. Make payment at the
SRPMIC Finance Department, located at 10,061 East Osborn Road, Scottsdale,
Arizona 85256. Credit card payments cannot be made over the phone. Submit a copy of
the receipt along with the SUP application.
3. Applicant is required to obtain a Certificate of General Liability Insurance listing the
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community as the certificate holder. Insurance must
be at least one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) in coverage.
4. Applicant is required to obtain a Business License and Tax Permit with the SRPMIC
CDD/Economic Development Department location. Vendors at special events will be
required to obtain a business License and Privilege Tax Permit.
5. Verification of Non-profit status. 501(c)3 Status from the Internal Revenue Service.
6. Applicant is required to provide a site plan, aerial photograph or drawn diagram
indicating the location and size of the event area.
7. Applicant is required to provide a parking plan detailing the location and numbers of
parking that will be provided for the event.
8. Additional Information:
9. Additional Information:
Special Use Permit Application Form Part 3
Application Submittal Questions
Please respond to each of these questions to help describe the needs and requirements of your event.
1. How many people are expected at this event?
2. Will vehicular parking be available for your expected number of people? Where will they park?
3. Will any large electrical equipment or fuel powered equipment be used at this event? i.e., generator,
lighting etc. If so, what will be the source of electrical power?
4. Will there be any booths, tents, canopies or shading structures?
5. Will there be any platforms, scaffolds or bleachers?
6. Will there be waste receptacles at the event?
7. Will toilet/sanitation facilities be provided at this event?
8. Will any roads or sidewalks be closed for or used by your event? If so, which ones?
9. Will food be served at this event? If so, who is the food provider? Is food being sold?
10. Will alcohol be served at your event?
11. Will there be photography or video recordings at this event?
12. Will there be any ground disturbances (excavating, digging, trenching, plowing, drilling, tunneling,
auguring, backfilling, blasting, topsoil stripping, land leveling, peat removing, quarrying, clearing and
13. Will there be pyrotechnics (fireworks) or fires at this event?
14. Will the event be in the Red Mountain/river area?
15. Is this a fundraising event?
16. Will there be any gambling, raffles, lotteries, bingo, or other types of games?
17. Will this event include live music or performances?
18. Have you proposed a similar event in the Community, if so what?
19. Do you provide direct and/or volunteer services to the Community, if so what?
20. Will this event include an overnight stay or lodging?
21. Will this event include employed or volunteer personnel?
Special Use Permit Contact List
The following Community Departments will review the application and provide stipulations or recommendations
for the proposed event/activity.
Event Name:
Application Number:
The Following Communty Staff Personnal are to be contacted regarding Special Use Permits:
1. Community Development Department
Economic Development Division: Quannah Dallas (480)362-7663 to verify leasing compliance.
Juana Fulwilder (480)362-7649 for business licensing compliance.
Environmental Protection and Natural Resources: Amy Miguel (480)362-7631 For ground
disturbances, air quality, water quality and solid waste management.
Planning Services Division: Kevin Randle (480)362-7666 or John Roanhorse (480)362- 7666 for
land use and zoning issues.
Entertainment District: Blessing McAnlis-Vasquez (480)362-6636 for all events occurring in the
Entertainment District.
2. Community Relations Department: Janet Johnson (480)362-7722 for activies that involve
photography, video, or digital images.
3. Police Department: Sergeant Jamie Lomay (480)362-5775 or Officer Delvin Duong (480)362-
7982 for traffic control or security. When necessary contacts with SR Rangers will be
4. Fire Department: Deputy Fire Marshall Dustin Zamboni, (480)362-6312
For fire prevention, emergency preparedness, inspections or in pyrotechnics will be used.
5. Health and Human Services/Public Health Division: Chris Henke (480)362-5706
For food service inspections, food booth guidelines or other health permits.
6. Engineering and Construction Services, Compliance Division: Mike Hundley, (480)362-7667.
For site construction and general building safety. For Traffic Plan Review and Approval contact
Sandra Madrid at (480)362-5477.
7. Cultural Preservation/Resources: For matters regarding cultural, archaeological or natural
resources protection, Kelly Washington (480)362-6339 or Shane Antone (480)332-6331
8. Public Works Department: Marcus Begay (480)362-7278 To request temporary structures
(canopies, tents), barricades, sanitation facilities, dance permit
9. Administration: Kent Andrews: (480)362-7460 For Red Mountain/River Area and special
10. Recreation Department: Rebecca Makil, (480)362-7336 To request use of Community Building
(gym), and Recreational fields
11. Treasury: Connie Reifschneider (480)362-7678 Taxation and financial compliance
12. Risk Management: Doug Patterson (480)362-6921 For risk and safety compliance for
Community activities/events
13. Community Regulatory Agency: Stephanie Deel (480)362-6897, Billie Stillman (480)362-6896,
or Michael Magnet (480)362-6389 for alcohol licensing or gaming compliance.
14. Wireless Communication Facilities/IT: Mike Andl (480)362-7521 or JoAnn Byrd (480)362-7507
for telecommunication and information systems.
15. Coordination with Donations Committee: Toni Harvier (480)362-7467
The SRPMIC Finance Department is located on the corner of Longmore and Osborn Roads within the
Two Waters Governmental Complex. The Finance Department is on ground floor of Building A. The
Community Development Department (Planning Services and Economic Development) is located on
Floor of Building B.