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Special Priority (SPP) Application Package
Information Sheet
Durham Access to Social Housing (DASH) runs the wait list for rent-geared-to-income (RGI) and
modified housing. Most applicants are placed on the DASH wait list according to the date they
applied. Applicants with Special Priority status are placed higher on the DASH wait list.
What is Special Priority (SPP) status?
Special Priority status aims to help you escape from human trafficking or separate permanently
from someone who is abusing you. It is often referred to as SPP.
Who is eligible for SPP status?
You may be granted SPP if:
You are a victim of human trafficking.
You are a sponsored immigrant, and your sponsor is abusing you or your children.
You are living with someone who is abusing you or your children, or you stopped living with
them in the last three months. In limited circumstances, we may consider your application
after 3 months.
How long will I wait for RGI housing?
RGI housing is not emergency housing. There are long waits for RGI even if you have SPP
status. If you are eligible for SPP, you will be ahead of non-priority applicants on the wait list, but
you will still be behind SPP applicants who applied before you.
While you are on the DASH waiting list, you will still need to look for affordable housing in the
private market – even if you have SPP status.
How do I apply for SPP status?
You must have someone verify your claim of human trafficking or abuse. Normally, this person
is a professional working with you because of the human trafficking or abuse.
You and the person verifying the abuse must complete the attached Special Priority Application
package. Please make sure to include the following:
Part A: Declaration of Human Trafficking or Abuse
Part B: Proof of Co-Residency (not required for human trafficking)
Part C: Verification Record
Letter of Support as set out in Part C
SPP | Part A: Declaration of Abuse or Human Trafficking
Part A: Declaration of Human Trafficking or Abuse
This Declaration is completed by the applicant for Special Priority (SPP) status.
If you are applying because of human trafficking, complete Section 1.
If you are applying because you have been abused, complete Section 2.
Section 1: Declaration of Human Trafficking
I am being or have been trafficked by (name): _______________________________________
I am currently being trafficked.
I stopped being trafficked on (approximate date): _______________________________
I declare that I intend to live permanently apart from my trafficker(s).
Name of SPP applicant: _______________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________
Go to Part C: Verification Record
Section 2: Declaration of Abuse
I have been abused by (name): __________________________________________________
My abuser is my intimate partner or relative (relationship): ________________________
My abuser is my Canada immigration sponsor.
My abuser is somebody else (relationship): ____________________________________
I declare that I intend to live permanently apart from this person and that:
I am currently living with this person
I have not lived with this person since (date): __________________________________
I have never lived with this person
Name of SPP applicant: _______________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________
Go to Part B: Proof of Co-Residency.
SPP | Part B: Proof of Co-residency
Part B: Proof of Co-Residency
(Not required for human trafficking)
You must give us proof that you are living with the person who abused you or that you have
lived with them in the last three months. This is called Proof of Co-residency.
Address of Co-residency: _____________________________________________________
If you are receiving social assistance:
I have attached Proof of Co-residency from my Ontario Works or Ontario Disability
Support Program (ODSP) caseworker.
If you are receiving rent-geared-to-income (RGI) or living in social housing:
I have attached Proof of Co-residency from my social housing provider.
If you are NOT receiving social assistance or living in RGI or social housing:
I have attached Proof of Co-residency showing that the person who abused me and I
lived together within the last 3 months.
You must give us Proof of Co-residency showing that you and the person who abused
you lived together within the last 3 months.
Documents must be dated within the last 3 months.
Examples of documents we accept include currently-dated leases, rent receipts, utility
bills, a letter from your landlord, government documents, home or tenant insurance
documents, paystubs or employer statements.
We do not accept phone bills, internet bills, letters from friends.
If both your name and your abusers name do not appear on a document together,
you may give us more than one document to show you living at the same address at
the same time.
If you are applying more than 3 months after separation:
I have attached Proof of Co-residency showing that the person who abused me and I lived
together more than 3 months ago. See above for examples of suitable documents.
You must tell us why you have not applied for Special Priority status until now:
Go to Part C: Verification Record
SPP | Part C: Verification Record
Part C: Verification Record
This Verification Record must be completed by someone who can confirm
Part A: Declaration of Human Trafficking or Abuse.
Note to Person completing Verification Record:
You are being asked to complete this Verification Record to confirm that the applicant in Part
A has been a victim of: 1) human trafficking; or 2) abuse by an intimate partner, immigration
sponsor, relative, or a person who is in an emotionally, physically, or financially dependent
relationship with the applicant.
You are being asked only to verify the instances of abuse and are not making a
recommendation for the applicant’s housing placement.
You must attach a letter of support outlining the instances of human trafficking or abuse,
including timelines. This letter is mandatory.
Name of person verifying trafficking or abuse: _______________________________________
Position/title: _________________________________________________________________
Professional designations: ______________________________________________________
Agency/organization: __________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________________________________________________________
I declare that I have reviewed the information in Part A of this application, and
(please check all that apply):
My professional assessment is the applicant is a victim of human trafficking.
My professional assessment is that the applicant has experienced one or more incidents
of physical or sexual violence by the person named in Part A.
My professional assessment is that the applicant has experienced one or more incidents
of abusive, controlling behaviour by the person named in Part A.
My professional assessment is that the person in Part A has intentionally destroyed or
injured the applicant’s property.
My professional assessment is that the words, actions or gestures of the person in Part A
have threatened the applicant or made them fear for their safety.
SPP | Part C: Verification Record
Relationship to applicant in Part A:
I am working with the applicant around the issue of human trafficking or abuse in my
professional capacity as a:
Registered social worker
Registered social service worker
Police officer
Registered mental health
therapist or psychotherapist
Registered nurse or registered
practical nurse
Registered early childhood
Housing provider
Minister of religion
Guidance counsellor
Indigenous leader
I am not a member of one of the above professions, but I am working with the applicant in
my professional role around the issue of human trafficking or abuse. I understand that I
must have this Verification Record signed by a person who has the authority to
bind my agency or organization.
I do not work with the applicant in a professional role, but I have direct knowledge that the
applicant has been subject to human trafficking or abuse. I understand that I must have
this Verification Record and my letter of support notarized as to the truth of the
records by a commissioner for taking affidavits.
Reminder to person completing Verification Record:
You must attach a letter of support outlining the instances of human trafficking or abuse,
including timelines. This letter is mandatory.
If you are not working with the applicant in your professional role, you must have this
Verification Record and your letter of support notarized as to the truth of the records by a
commissioner for taking affidavits.
Name of person completing Verification Record: __________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________
Name of person who can bind agency: __________________________________________
Title: ____________________________ Agency: __________________________________
Signature: _______________________ Date: _____________________________________
This information is collected under the legal authority of the Housing Services Act, 2011 for the purpose of
administering social housing programs prescribed in this Act and its associated Regulations. Questions about this
collection should be forwarded to the Director of Housing Services, Region of Durham at 605 Rossland Rd E,
Whitby ON L1N 6A3 or 905-668-7711.