PERS-OSS-138 (12/18) Page 1 of 5
Section 2
Designation of Attorney-in-Fact (Agent)
When completing this form,
please be sure to print the
requested information.
For the purpose of this
form, a “principal” is
defined as a person who
empowers another to act
as a representative on
his or her behalf.
The “agent” is the
If you appoint more than
one attorney-in-fact and do
not check a box, all of your
attorneys-in-fact must act
or sign together (jointly).
*If you choose “Alternately,”
identify the order of
your attorneys-in-fact in
the boxes below.
Name of Principal (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name) Social Security Number or CalPERS ID
Address County
City State ZIP Daytime Phone
By this document I intend to create a power of attorney by appointing the person(s) named below to make
retirement-related decisions for me as allowed by the California Probate Code. The authority granted
pursuant to this power of attorney is expressly limited to decisions relating to my financial and health
benefits under the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the Judges’ Retirement System I or the
Judges’ Retirement System II, and the Legislators’ Retirement System, hereinafter CalPERS, JRS I, JRS II,
and LRS, respectively. I give my agent, also called an attorney-in-fact, the powers specified herein with
the understanding that these powers will be used for my benefit and will be exercised only in a fiduciary
capacity. This power does not authorize the appointed agent to make any medical decisions for me.
Section 1
Creation of Durable Power of Attorney for Retirement-Related Business
You have the option to designate one attorney-in-fact. Your attorney-in-fact must be at least 18 years
old at the time this document is executed.
If you appoint more than one attorney-in-fact, choose the jointly, separately, or alternately check box below:
Jointly – All designated attorneys-in-fact must sign for any action. Granting joint authority to two or
more attorneys-in-fact means that the agents’ authority is exercisable only by their unanimous action.
If one is unavailable because of absence, illness, or other temporary incapacity, the other attorneys-in-
fact may exercise their authority under the power of attorney.
Separately – Any one designated attorney-in-fact may act without the other(s).
Alternately – Your attorney-in-fact will act in the numerical order you assign in the boxes below.*
The successor attorney-in-fact will act if the person you originally appointed is unavailable because
of absence, illness, or other temporary incapacity. Delegation of powers to any third party who is not
named as an alternate attorney-in-fact is not permitted under this document.
( )
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( )
( )
Name of Attorney-in-Fact (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name) Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Relationship
Address Social Security Number or CalPERS ID
City State ZIP Daytime Phone
Name of Attorney-in-Fact (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name) Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Relationship
Address Social Security Number or CalPERS ID
City State ZIP Daytime Phone
Name of Attorney-in-Fact (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name) Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Relationship
Address Social Security Number or CalPERS ID
City State ZIP Daytime Phone
Special Power of Attorney
888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
TTY: (877) 249-7442