Application for Special Licence
(Section 138, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012)
General information:
An application for a special licence MUST be lodged at least 20 working days before the event(s)
is to be held.
For large events, we expect applications to be lodged at least 30 working days before the event(s).
Please read the notes over the page carefully and ensure all parts of the application are completed.
Application Checklist:
Supporting documents you need to provide with your application:
□ Application fee
This is an application fee and is non-refundable after the application is received by
Matamata Piako District Council (see the last page of this application form for details on fees)
□ A written statement from the owner of the building/property giving consent to the applicant for
alcohol to be sold or supplied on the premises (Note that the written consent must be for the
same party as detailed in the applicant section of this form)
□ Detailed A4 scale (with measurements) site plan of the premises/site showing:
• those areas that are to be used for the sale or supply of alcohol
• those areas (if any) that are to be designated as restricted or supervised areas
• the principal entrance
• location of all food outlets and other relevant activities
□ A complete list of food and non/low alcoholic beverages provided (menu)
□ Copies of each manager's certificate for those managing the event (if applicable)
□ Proof establishing the event(s) as genuine, special or particular occasion(s). Such as a
program of activities / copy of ticket for public events / invitation for private events / promotional
material etc
If this is a large event (400 or more people):
□ An alcohol management plan
If you are applying for the special licence on behalf of someone else, you must also provide:
□ A copy of the authority to act as an agent of the applicant, signed by the applicant
Send the completed application form and attachments to:
Liquor Licensing Department
Matamata-Piako District Council
PO Box 266
Te Aroha, 3342