Grove City Building Division
4035 Broadway
Grove City, OH 43123
614-277-3075 (Phone)
614-277-3090 (Fax)
Address _________________________________________________________________________ Grove City, OH 43123 Lot _____________
Parcel I.D. _________________________________ Subdivision ____________________________________________ Zoning ______________
Fee: $100
I agree that all statements in the attachments and this application are a true description of the existing property and the proposed development activity. I understand the
development requirements for special flood hazard area activities per the appropriate ordinance (resolution) and agree to abide thereto. I understand it is my responsibility
to obtain all applicable Federal, State and Local permits.
Signature ___________________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________
Project Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Type o New Building o Existing Structure o Installation o Residential o Non-residential
o Alteration o Addition o Accessory o Watercourse o Manufactured Home
o Materials Storage o Filling/Grading o Mining/Dredging o Other __________________________________________
If the proposed construction is an alteration, addition or improvement to an existing structure, indicate the following:
Proposed Cost _______________________________ Existing Estimated Market Value ___________________________________________
Note: An existing structure must comply with the flood protection standards if it is substantially improved (an improvement equal to or greater than 50% of the market value
of the structure). FEMA maintains that the “substantial improvement” definition applies to existing structures only and that once a structure meets the definition of “new
construction” any further improvements to that structure must meet “new construction” requirements. For floodplain management purposes “new construction” means
structures for which “start of construction” began on or after the effective date of the initial Flood Insurance Rate Map issued by FEMA for the community.
Does proposed development involve a subdivision or other development containing at least 50 lots or 5 acres (whichever is less)?
o Yes o No NOTE: If yes, base flood elevation data is required from applicant if it has not been provided by FEMA.
Application is hereby made for a DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as required by the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (Resolution),
Chapter 1329 of the City of Grove City Building Code for development in an identified flood hazard area. All activities shall be
completed in accordance with the requirements of said Ordinance (Resolution). The development to be performed is described
below and in attachments hereto. The applicant understands and agrees that:
• this permit is issued on the conditions and facts described;
• any permit may be repealed if conditions or facts change;
• permit void if the activity has not begun within 180 days of the issuance date;
• the permit will remain valid for one year from date of issuance.
Note: In addition to completion of this form, the applicant agrees to submit any additional information required by the administrator in order to determine that the proposed
development is compliant with the local and federal flood damage prevention criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program.
Additional information may include but is not limited to: site specific plans to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions and
elevations of the area and structure(s) in question.
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Name _________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
City/State/Zip __________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________________
Name _________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
City/State/Zip __________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________________
Revised 4/2019