The City of Arkadelphia has a variety of public spaces that provide the ideal setting for public
events of all sizes. The City is "people-oriented" and encourages the use of its parks and other public
facilities for the pleasure and enjoyment of residents and visitors. A successful event requires proper
planning and preparation to ensure the safety and convenience of the event participants and the general
public. Enjoy Arkadelphia safely!
Events that must be approved:
Any function to be conducted on any property or facility of the City must be pre-approved if:
The event will require the closure or obstruction of any public streets or right-of-way;
Attendance of more than 400 people at the same time will be anticipated; or
Alcoholic beverages will be sold, served, or allowed
NOTE: Athletic events will be approved through the Arkadelphia Parks and Recreation Department.
Event Approval Process:
1. An original Event Application must be submitted to the City of Arkadelphia Administration Office
at least sixty (60) days in advance.
City of Arkadelphia Communications Director
700 Clay Street
Arkadelphia, AR 71923
Depending upon event size, the approval process may take up to thirty (30) days.
The City of Arkadelphia Communications Director will receive the Event Application and begin the
review process.
The City of Arkadelphia Administration Office will evaluate the application for compliance with facility
permitted uses and other facility requirements and/or restrictions. Applications not meeting
compliance will be returned to the applicant stating the reason for denial. If the application meets
requirements of facility or property the City of Arkadelphia Administration Office will send copies of
applications within five (5) business days to the other reviewing departments for review.
The Fire Department will evaluate the application or occupancy limits, fire or explosion hazards,
emergency access and exit, and other provisions of the Fire Code, as well as the need for on-site
medical personnel. If you have questions, contact the Fire Chief's office at 870-246-9354.
The Police Department will review the security plan for the event. Most events will require at least one
officer to provide security and/or traffic control. The total number of officers required will be
determined by the type of event, the number of people expected to attend, and whether alcoholic
beverages are being sold. Arrangements for security must be discussed with the City of Arkadelphia
Police Department. Security must be certified law enforcement officers, regardless of agency. If
arranged with APD, the cost for off-duty officers averages approximately$30 per hour for each officer
needed. For more information regarding security requirements or to arrange security, contact the
Police Chief at 870-246-4545.
Special Event Application