Community and Economic Development Department
1. Special Event Permit applications must be submitted in full at least 45 days prior to the event. 60 days is better in case the
City requires additional information, staff vacations, etc.
2. All streets shall be accessible to emergency equipment at all times. Only readily removable barricades shall be used to close
the streets.
3. You will report any problems or damage to the Community Development Department immediately. During regular
business hours (8am-5pm), call 541-367-8113. At other times call the police non-emergency number, 541-367-5181.
4. You will set up and remove all equipment, structures, and materials for the reserved park activity within the block of time
specified in the park permit.
5. You will not drive a motorized vehicle on a bicycle path or pedestrian path in a city park.
6. You will park only in designated parking areas that have paved or gravel surfaces. Parking is not permitted on grass, in
landscaped areas, or under tree canopies.
7. All debris and trash is the responsibility of the event organizer. It must be removed from the event site during the event. In
addition, the event site must be cleaned within twelve (12) hours after the end of the event, or no later than 11 a.m. on the
next day. The City’s Public Works Department must provide garbage removal service. Contact the City at 541-367-6359.
8. You will not deposit charcoal briquettes on the ground or in garbage cans. If a charcoal disposal bin is not available, take
the charcoal briquettes with you when you leave.
9. You will properly dispose of garbage that exceeds the capacity of the garbage receptacles at the park facility. You can
rent a dumpster through a private vendor or haul off your bagged garbage and recyclables yourself. Excess garbage left at
the rental facility will be removed at your expense. A fee for service will be deducted from your security deposit.
10. You will remove all signs or markings associated with the reserved park activity. Paint is not permitted for marking
pavement or structures. Chalk is acceptable but must be removed immediately after the event.
11. You will return all keys to City Hall (3225 Main Street) on the next business day after the reserved park activity.
o Keys will be distributed by authorized City employees only.
o Keys will not be copied by anyone other than authorized City employees.
12. You will obtain an underground utility locate and permission from the Community Development Department if sign posts,
stakes, or spikes will be driven into the ground.
13. You will accept the park facilities, including the premises and equipment, in their present condition.
14. You will reimburse the City for all damages to the premises or property resulting from their use, other than ordinary wear
and depreciation, as determined by the City.
15. You will conform to all rules and regulations of the City.
16. You agree to provide adequate supervision and be responsible for any improper conduct of the attendees, both individually
and collectively, while on the City premises or utilizing facilities.
17. You agree that the use of the facilities and this permit is revocable by the City at any time at the City’s option.
18. You agree to hold the city harmless and indemnify the city from any and all liability for injury to persons or property
occurring as a result of the activity sponsored by the permittee.
19. You agree that the permittee and any other person who allows or causes damage to park facilities, park areas, and any
other property owned by the city shall be liable to the city for the damage caused.
I agree to abide by all Federal, State, and municipal equal opportunity laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination.