Special Event Park & Facility Reservation – Updated 06.10.2020 Page 1 of 2
City of Kuna | 270 Orchard Ave. | P.O. Box 13 | Kuna, ID 83634 | Phone (208) 387-7726
www.KunaCity.ID.gov | Reservations@KunaID.gov
Organization (when applicable):
Is your Reservation for a Private or Public Event?
🔳 Private 🔳 Public
**NOTE - Public Events require a Special Event Plan per Kuna City Code 3-8-1. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at
(208) 387-7726 or CityClerk@KunaID.gov**
Normal Operating Hours
City Park normal operating hours are Dawn to Dusk. Reservations seeking to be made Dusk to Dawn require an
After-Hours Permit with a Safety Plan which is reviewed by local law enforcement prior to issuance.
Will an After-Hours Permit be required? 🔳 Yes 🔳 No
If Yes: 🔳 Up to 25 People - $30 🔳 Up to 50 People - $40 🔳 Up to 100 People - $60 🔳 Over 100 People - $110
**Note – Reservations not made 7 days prior to reservation date
will be assessed a 10% Late Fee. **
Time Regular Parking on
*Disc Golf Tournaments Priced Separately Grass
🔳 Block #1 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM $150 $200
🔳 Block #2 1:30 PM – 5:30 PM $150 $200
🔳 Block #3 6:00 PM – Dusk $150 $200
OR 🔳 Per Day $330 $500
(Includes Electricity and up to 10 tables)
Fee Total: $______________
Event Location
🔳 Behind City Hall 🔳 Bernie Fisher Park 🔳 Greenbelt
🔳 Winchester Park 🔳 Nicholson Park
🔳 Arbor Ridge 🔳 Farm Estates Park
Turf Fee (Bounce House, Canopy, etc.)
$20 per time block
Fee Total: $______________
Additional Picnic Tables (Seat 6 – 8 Persons Each)
**If Available**
🔳 5 Tables - $20 🔳 15 Tables - $45 🔳 25 Tables - $75
🔳 10 Tables - $30 🔳 20 Tables - $60
Fee Total: $______________
Disc Golf Course
🔳 Exclusive Event/Tournament - $250 per day
🔳 Non-Exclusive Event/Tournament - $75 per day
🔳 Non-Exclusive Use for League Play - $25 per day
Follow Up Tournament Discount *
Each Tournament Reservation after the first
Tournament of the year receives a $25 discount.
Eight (8) Foot Folding Tables & Folding Chairs
(City does not set up or take down tables)
$9 per table - # of tables: _____________
$1.30 per chair- # of chairs: _____________
Fee Total: $______________