Special Event License Application
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Are you requesting to have a parade? Yes No If yes, please attach a map of the parade route
Where will the parade participants be walking? Sidewalks Streets
Will the parade require streets to be blocked off? Yes No
If yes, how many streets/intersections will need to be blocked :
Please attach a sign off from the residences located on the affected streets, indicating that they are aware of the
event to take place, the date, times and location.
Food Services
Will food or beverages be sold at event? Yes No, if yes please list type(s) of food to be sold:
Will the food be prepackaged or prepared on site:
Please note: If your application is approved and you plan to prepare food on site, you will
need to contact the Oakland County Health Department at 248-424-7000 for
inspection. You will also need to provide temporary water services at the site
where the food is prepared.
Mechanical Amusement
Will there be any mechanical rides at event? Yes No, if yes, please provide the name and the
address of amusement operators:
Will the event have a moonwalk? Yes No, if yes, please provide the name and address of
Company/Entity providing moonwalk:
Will the event have video games, etc.? If so, please provide the names and address of company providing the
Games: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Please Note: You must provide proof of insurance for all mechanical rides, moonwalks,
circus rides/games, etc. The City of Oak Park must be listed on the insurance
certificate as “additionally insured.” A copy of the City Ordinance with required liability
insurance coverage for these events is attached. Also, certification by the
State of Michigan Department of Labor is required for all mechanical
amusement devices and rides.