To All Applicants for Special Events,
As America's Hometown, the City of Hannibal encourages special events, festivals, and parades in our
community. These events add to our quality-of-life, and help make Hannibal a truly unique hometown!
In encouraging these events however, the City remains cognizant of possible impacts to non-participants, such
as neighboring residents or nearby businesses. The City wants these events to have minimal impact on others.
Special events that will occur solely on private property do not typically require City Council approval. The City
simply asks that noise levels be contained, safety monitored, and trash/debris removed after the event. In
essence, we ask for your consideration toward others.
Special events that will (1) occur on public property, (2) require street closures, (3) involve outdoor retail sales, or
(4) involve off-site liquor sales, first require City Council approval. For such events, please complete the attached
Special Event Application; execute the Hold Harmless Agreement then return it to the City Clerk. The City
additionally requires a Certificate of Insurance; this certificate must list the City of Hannibal as an
additional insured and must be endorsed.
On the attached Application, please fill-in the date that you would like the City Council to hear your request. It is
very important that you (or a member of your organization) attend the Council Meeting to answer any questions.
Questions typically involve ways to assure that surrounding residents are not negatively impacted.
To be placed on a Council Meeting agenda, this Application must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than the
Wednesday preceding that Council Meeting. This is very important, as the City Clerk has a legal deadline for
publishing the agenda, and the City Council, by law, can only act on items listed on the agenda.
Note, if your Special Event involves a parade, City Ordinance requires you to obtain a permit from the Police
Department after Council approval, but prior to your event. Restated, if the City Council approves your request,
you must contact the Police Department (573-221-0987) within 10 days of your Special Event to secure the
appropriate parade permit.
A fireworks show or display must be conducted by an independent fireworks operator approved by the Missouri
Division of Fire Safety.
Finally, if your Special Event involves off-site liquor sales, you must have a valid liquor license, or a specific State
exemption thereof before the City Council can consider your Special Event. The City Clerk (573-221-0111) is
available to answer any questions you may have.
We have created this Special Event Application to help simplify your review process. We wish you well with your
Special Event, and thank you for contributing to our quality-of-life here in America's Hometown!