Form 13 - Special Circumstance Instructional Assistance Rubric
Student Name: ________________________ DOB: ________________ Teacher: __________________ Date: _______________
hool: ________________________ Rubric Completed by: ____________________
Least Restrictive Environment
General good health and developmentally
appropriate personal care skills. Health care
procedures and/or personal care interventions are
not typically required. Independently maintains all
age appropriate personal care and/or medical needs.
Exhibits age or developmentally appropriate
behavior. Interventions are not typically
required. Follows directions and handles
redirection appropriately. Student
independently addresses own behavior needs
and required supports are similar to those of
Independently participates fully in individual,
small group, and whole class instruction.
Accommodations and modifications beyond
those routinely provided for the class are not
Developed IEP goals can be met through partial or
full inclusion in general education. Participates in
some core curriculum with the general education
setting and requires a few accommodations.
Independently goes to and successfully participates in
assigned general education classes.
Mild or occasional health concerns. Allergies or
other chronic health concerns. No specialized
health care procedure. Medications administered
takes less than 10 minutes per day. Needs
reminders to complete personal care activities.
Requires support with 0-25% of their age
appropriate personal care and/or medical needs.
Mild or occasional behavior incidents. Follows
adult directions but occasional requires
additional encouragement and prompts about 0-
25% of the day. Occasional difficulties with
peers and adults, but behaviors are not typically
considered dangerous.
Participates in individuals, small group, and
whole class instruction at instructional level,
but may require additional prompting or
reinforcement 0-25% of the time. Requires
reminders to stay on task, follow directions,
and to remain engaged in learning. Specialized
instructional strategies are not required.
Developed IEP goals can be met through partial or
full inclusion in general education with the use of
some accommodations and/or modifications. Needs
occasional prompts to participate in general education
and/or interact with peers 0-25% of the time.
Requires some additional support to finish work and
be responsible.
Chronic health issues (ear infections, ADD, bee
sting allergy). Generic specialized health care
procedure and takes medication. Intervention for
10-15 minutes daily. Requires reminders and
occasional additional prompts or limited hands-on
assistance for washing hands, using the bathroom,
wiping mouth, etc. Occasional toileting accidents.
Requires support with 26-50% of their age
appropriate personal care and/or medical needs.
Moderate level of behavior incidents, has
problems following directions and behaving
appropriately. Adult intervention is required
daily, but can be managed adequately with a
classroom management plan. May require
behavior intervention plan implementation, and
adult support 26-50% of the day.
Cannot always participate in whole class
instruction without modifications. Requires
smaller groups and frequent verbal prompts,
cues, or reinforcement. On task about 50% of
the time with support. Requires frequent verbal
prompts to follow directions 26-50% of the
time. Specialized instructional strategies are
not required.
Developed IEP goals can be met through partial or
full inclusion in general education with use of
accommodations and/or modifications. Participates
with visual supervision and occasional verbal
prompts. Requires visual shadowing to get to class.
Requires adult shadowing for short period of time
daily. Requires prompts to participate in general
education and/or interact with peers 26-50% of the
Very specialized healthcare procedure and
medication. Limited mobility or physical
limitations requiring assistance (stander, walker,
gait trainer, or wheelchair). Special food prep or
feeding. Health related interventions 15 to 45
minutes daily. Frequent physical prompts to
participate in personal care. Requires toilet
schedule, training, direct help, diapering, etc.
Requires support with 51-75% of their age
appropriate personal care and/or medical needs.
Serious level of behavioral incidents. Requires
routine adult monitoring and intervention to
prevent escalation into dangerous situations.
Defiant and prone to physical aggression.
Requires a behavioral intervention plan and
behavior goals and objectives in the IEP. May
require adult support 51-75% of the day to
address behavior needs described in BIP.
Participation in individual, small group, and
whole class instruction requires close adult
proximity and monitoring about 51-75% of the
time 2daily. Requires low student staff ratio
and prompts including physical assistance to
stay on task. Primarily complies only with 1:1
directions and monitoring. Requires highly
specialized strategies that require specific
teacher training.
Developed IEP goals can be met through partial or
full inclusion in the general education with frequent
use of accommodations and/or modification. Requires
adult to monitor success in accessing curriculum.
Participates with direct instructional and behavioral
support. Requires direct supervision going to and
from class. Requires low student staff ratio and
multiple prompts, including physical assistance to
stay on task 51-75% of the time.
Specialized healthcare procedures requiring care by
specially trained adult (G-tube, tracheotomy,
cauterization). Takes medication, requires
positioning by bracing multiple times daily. Health
related intervention and direct 1:1 assistance at
least 45 minutes daily. Direct assistance with most
personal care. Requires two-person lift. Direct
support required with at least 76% or all personal
care and medical needs.
Severe level of behavioral incidents. Behavior
problems with potential for injury to self and
others, runs away, and aggressive daily.
Analysis of behavior has been completed and
the student has a well-developed BIP. Requires
constant and immediate supervision and
intervention from a specially trained adult to
prevent escalation into dangerous situations.
Requires 76%-100% adult support daily.
Participation in any setting requires constant
1:1 support. Requires verbal and physical
prompting to stay on-task and follow directions
76% or more of the time. Regularly requires
specific 1:1 instructional strategies.
IEP goals can be met through partial or full inclusion
in general education with extensive use of
accommodations and/or modifications. Requires
constant adult supervision to access curriculum.
Always requires 1:1 staff in close proximity for direct
instruction, safety, mobility, or behavioral
monitoring. Requires 1:1 assistance to go to and from
class. Requires verbal and physical prompting to stay
on-task and follow directions 76% or more of the
*Attach a copy of documentation indicating frequency and duration over a period of time to determine future considerations of special circumstance instructional assistance.