Southwestern College Financial Aid Oce
2020-2021 Sasfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form
Compleon of the online SAP workshop is required for the appeal. Go to, click on SAP Appeal Instruc-
ons”, then online SAP Workshop”. You must complete the workshop with a score o 75% or more. Upon compleon, print a
copy of the CongratulaonsConrmaon email verifying successful workshop compleon. Students disqualied for Maxi-
mum Timeframe must also submit the Semester by Semester Compleon Plan on page 3. This must be aached to your ap-
peal packet.
Last Name First Name MI SWC ID Number
Sasfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is a federal regulaon that requires nancial aid applicants to be evaluated on a
QUALITATIVE standard (cumulate grade point average, or GPA) and two QUANTITATIVE standards (compleon rate/pace and
maximum me frame) every year. Students who do not meet all SAP standards will be disqualied and have the opportunity to
Please complete all sections completely and clearly, including all required documentation. Incomplete appeals cannot be
Check your My Financial Aid Account in WebAdvisor for the reason you have been disqualied for SAP and must appeal
GPA - Failure to maintain the minimum 2.00 GPA requirement.
Compleon Rate/Pace - Completed less than 67% of the courses in which student was enrolled.
Maximum Time Frame - Exceeded 150% of the minimum required units to complete the students declared academic
program (appeal must include Semester by Semester Compleon Plan).
Step 1 Appeal Terms and Deadlines
Please select the term you are appealing (check only ONE):
Southwestern College Financial Aid Ocenancialaid Phone 619-482-6357
Step 2 Reason for Appeal
Step 4 Copy of comprehensive Student Educaon Plan (SEP) *DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED*
Make a copy of your current comprehensive Student Educaon Plan (SEP).
SEP must be dated within the past 12 months, with no more than two updates.
Ensure that your declared program of study on your SEP is the same one listed on your WebAdvisor account.
You must also only be taking classes listed on your SEP and being required to complete your declared program.
This must be aached to your appeal packet.
Check the Financial Aid Office "Appeals and Special Circumstances" webpage for term deadlines. Appeals submitted after
deadlines may not be reviewed. 1/2/2020
Last Name
SWC ID Number
Special circumstances are unancipated events that impact academic performance. Provide the following informaon and aach
supporng documentaon verifying the special circumstance you wish to be considered in your appeal. To ensure that your
appeal will be given every consideraon and opportunity for approval, be as thorough as possible and explain your circumstances
in detail. If extra space is needed, you may aach addional sheets.
1. Describe the special circumstance that prevented you from making SAP. Explain what happened and how it impacted your
academic performance and ability to meet SAP standards.
2. Explain what has changed in your situaon that will now allow you to make SAP at the next evaluaon, including steps you
have taken to be successful academically.
Step 5 Explanaon of special circumstances *DOCUMENTATION REQUESTED*
Student Cercaon
Student Signature Date
_____ All statements and supporng documentaon are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
_____ I understand that if my appeal is approved, I must fulll all condions of my Academic Plan. I also understand that my
record will be evaluated at the end of each to determine compliance with Academic Plan requirements and that
disbursement of future aid may be delayed during that process. If I do not fulll the condions, I cannot receive aid
for future terms unl I regain sasfactory academic standing.
_____ I understand that processing of my appeal will take 2-4 weeks.
_____ I understand that all informaon provided on this appeal is considered condenal. However, all Financial Aid
employees are considered Responsible Employees and are mandated to report any incidents of sexual harassment,
discriminaon, assault, or abuse to the Title IX Administrator. Quesons or concerns should be directed to the Title
IX Ocer.
Completed appeal form Documentaon of special circumstances
Online SAP workshop conrmaon Comprehensive Student Educaon Plan
Semester by Semester Compleon Plan (if SAP disqualied for Maximum Timeframe)
Please inial below to cerfy: 1/2/2020
Student Signature
Term: _______________
Term: _______________
Last Name
SWC ID Number
Course Name Units Course Name Units
Term: _______________
Term: _______________
Course Name Units
If you have been disqualied for Maximum Timeframe, you are required to complete this worksheet lisng the specic courses
that you have remaining to complete your degree. WE STRONGLY SUGGEST that you work directly with your counselor on this,
since you will be expected to follow your plan exactly if your appeal is approved.
You may lose your eligibility to connue to receive aid if there is any variaon in your enrollment paern.
Course Name Units
SEMESTER BY SEMESTER COMPLETION PLAN—Students Disqualied for Maximum Timeframe ONLY
Expected Date of Graduaon/End of Academic Plan: Program of Study:
___________________________________ ______________________________