Enrollment Services
2011 Mottman Rd SW Olympia, WA 98512
Ph. (360) 596-5241
Under Age Enrollment
The minimum age for admission to South Puget Sound Community College is 18 years of age, unless the applicant has a
high school diploma/GED or is a participant in the Running Start Program. Applicants under age 18 may request an
to the minimum age requirement by following the process outlined below:
Student Enrollment Steps
Apply for Admission to SPSCC. Applications are available at the One-
Stop on either the Olympia or Lacey campuses.
2. Complete this Under Age Enrollment form
3. Request signatures from high school counselor or designee.
Activate spscc.edu email account.
5. Take the English College Placement Test on either campus, and the Math College Placement Test if wishing to enroll in any
courses with Math prerequisites.
6. Call the Advising Center at 360 596-5267 to schedule an appointment for enrollment approval and submit this completed
form at time of appointment. Students aged 15 or older will meet with an Educational Planner in our Advising Center.
Students aged 14 or younger will meet with the Dean of Enrollment.
7. Attend an in person New Student Advising and Registration session to register for courses.
Last Name
First Name
Phone Number
SPSCC Student ID Number
Current Grade
Quarter(s) you wish to enroll:
Under Age Enrollment
Summer Fall
Winter Spring
Explain below why enrolling at SPSCC is preferable to attending your current school and your intent for taking courses at the
Please list the course(s) you wish to potentially enroll in. It is recommended that students enrolling in the
program limit enrollment to 5 credits per quarter. List multiple courses in case desired courses are not available at time
Course Name
Item # (if known)
High School Release: To be completed by school counselor or designee
Student is released to enroll in courses at SPSCC FOR credit toward a diploma at the above-
listed school.
Student is released to enroll in courses at SPSCC NOT for credit toward a diploma at the above listed school.
High School Counselor or Designee Signature
Phone Number
Student and Parent/Guardian Agreement and Signature:
I understand that South Puget Sound Community College is an adult learning environment and the following
are college norms and expectations:
SPSCC classes may occur in settings of up to 30 students, including various age groups, lifestyles,
backgrounds, and experiences. All students are expected
to contribute to classroom discussions and
breakout work on group projects.
SPSCC classes are 12 weeks long but encompass the same volume of work as a typical year long high
- -face
school course.
SPSCC online and hybrid courses require reliable internet access to participate in class. Face to
classes may also require use of an online learning system.
SPSCC classes carry the expectation of two hours of work outside of class for every hour of time in class.
For a five credit class this equates to approximately 10 additional hours of work outside of class each
week in addition to the 5 hours of class time.
student is ready to
SPSCC does not make any
SPSCC classes can have content of a mature nature including sexuality, alternative lifestyles, war, and
other mature topics. This content may be delivered in the form of lectures, literature, movies, art or
other media.
SPSCC classes may only be attended by the student. It is expected that the
independently contribute in the learning environment of a college classroom.
All SPSCC students must follow the same academic policies and procedures.
special allowances or accommodations to students based on their age.
Students must follow proper withdrawal procedures or risk receiving a failing grade.
All grades earned at SPSCC are part of the permanent college record.
All students are responsible for payment of tuition and fees by the due date.
Students enrolling with the Under Age Enrollment process are responsible for meeting quarterly with
their High School counselor prior to registration.
By signing below, the student and parent understand and agree to the conditions as stated above.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Administrative Use
Enrollment Services Staff Signature
UP Code in SMS Screen SM5003 for Year/Quarter Student Begins Enrollment
Staff Notes