NOTE: Both the vendor and the product(s) must be deemed unique.
Requestor: ______________________________
Institution: ______________________________
Campus Address: ________________________
Preferred Vendor: ________________________
Date: ____________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________
Fax Number: _____________________________
Amount: ________________________________
I am aware that Section 41-16-50 of the Code of Alabama mandates that the Alabama Community
College System procure all material, equipment, services, and supplies totaling $15,000.00 or
more via competitive bid. However, I am requesting sole/single source approval based on the
following criteria. (Attach additional sheets as necessary)
I. The requested product is an integral repair part or accessory compatible with existing
A. Existing equipment: ________________________________________________________________
Manufacturer: ________________________________________________________________________
Model/Serial Number: _________________________________________________________________
Age/Current Value: ____________________________________________________________________
Estimated Remaining Life Span: ________________________________________________________
B. Requested equipment/accessory/part: _________________________________________________
Manufacturer/Model Number: __________________________________________________________
Dollar Value: _________________________________________________________________________
Explain relationship between current equipment and requested equipment
II. The requested product has unique design/performances specifications which are essential to
the institutions needs and are not available in comparable products.
A. These capabilities are:
B. In addition to the product requested, I have contacted other suppliers identified below and
considered their product of similar capabilities. These products are not acceptable because they
are lacking one or more of the technical specifications described in A above.
Explain in detail: