Solar Decathlon Design Challenge
Design Partner Project Application
This application is for organizations interested in partnering with the DOE Solar Decathlon
Design Challenge student competition by providing actual projects intended for construction as a
potential zero energy ready building project for student teams. Design Partner pilot details are
outlined here.
Organization Name:
Project Contact 1 Name:
Project Contact 1 Email:
Project Contact 1 Phone:
Project Contact 2 Name:
Project Contact 2 Email:
Project Contact 2 Phone:
Project Type:
Project Address:
Project Description: Please provide a short description of the current status of the project, site,
project goals, intended occupants, unique project characteristics, etc. (Maximum 250 words)
Project Requirements/Limitations (e.g., building size, room sizes, height, accessibility,
materials, type of construction, etc.):
Project Hard Cost Budget:
Project Time Frame: (e.g., design phase, expected timeline for design, construction and
Other: Please provide information about recommended skillsets or experience that may be
useful to applying teams.
Please return the completed form to Holly Carr at