Virginia Tech
Soil Testing Laboratory
Publication 452-125
Revised 2021
Routine (soil pH, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, B, and estimated CEC) $10.00 $16.00
Organic Matter – Determines percentage in soil – no recommendation given $4.00 $6.00
Soluble Salts – Determines if fertilizer salts are too high $2.00 $3.00
Make check or money order payable to "Treasurer, Virginia Tech". Do not send cash by mail. Please send this form along
with payment, together with corresponding samples in the same sturdy shipping container to: Virginia Tech Soil Testing Lab,
145 Smyth Hall (MC 0465), 185 Ag Quad Ln, Blacksburg VA 24061.
Last Lime Application
Months Previous Pounds per 1,000 sq. ft.
0 – 6
7 – 12
13 – 18
10 – 50
51 – 100
101 – 150
Your Sample Box
Number or Name
(Up to 5 digits)
Insert Plant Code #
from list at right
Lawn: Kentucky Bluegrass,
Fescue, or Ryegrass
201 Establishing New Lawn
202 Maintaining Lawn, Repair of
Bare Spots
Lawn: Bermudagrass,
Zoysiagrass, or St. Agustine
203 Establishing New Lawn
204 Maintaining Lawn, Repair of
Bare Spots
210 Vegetable Garden
211 Flower Garden
212 Roses
Acid-Loving Shrubs
240 Azaleas
241 Andromedas
242 Camellias
243 Laurel
244 Rhododendron
Non-Acid-Loving Shrubs
and Trees
245 Shrubs - Lilac, Forsythia,
Boxwood, etc.
246 Trees - Pine, Maple, Oak, etc.
220 Apples
221 Blackberries
222 Blueberries
223 Currants
224 Gooseberries
225 Grapes
226 Nectarines
227 Peaches
228 Pears
229 Plums
230 Quince
231 Raspberries
232 Sour Cherry
233 Strawberries
234 Sweet Cherries
House Plants
250 Potted House Plants
Soil Sample Information Sheet for
Home Lawns, Gardens, Fruits, and Ornamentals
Please write legibly or download form and type information before printing. (Form expires January 2026)
Use another form for commercial crop production. Not for growth media containing greater than 50% organic matter. See
other side for sampling instructions. Processing will be delayed if soil is not received in the lab's sample container. For a
recommendation, be sure to fill in a plant code number. Each sample must have its own form. For more information, go
to or contact your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office.
Oce Use only
Unit Code:
Date sampled:
Your Name: ___________________________________________ Phone: _______________________
E-mail (results sent by email only*):__________________________________________________________
*Adding to your email contact list may help ensure delivery. Also check spam folder.
Mailing Address (results not mailed): ________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ ZIP Code : ______________________________
County Where Soil is Located (required): __________________________________________________
Copy Report To (Consultant, etc.): __________________________________________________________
Their E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________
For test results to be meaningful, use extreme care when taking soil samples. Each sample represents many tons
of soil in your lawn or garden. Test results cannot be any more accurate than the sample submitted to the labora-
tory. Do not take samples when the soil is extremely wet.
Sampling Instructions:
Divide your lawn or garden into sampling areas. Each area should be uniform in the kind of soil and in the past
fertilizer and lime treatments it has received. An example would be separate samples (areas) for front and back
lawns. For shrubs and trees, select an area from the trunk to the outer edges of the branches. Take a separate
sample from each area as shown in the diagram below.
Use the following procedure for each sampling area:
A Take samples with a trowel, shovel, spade, or auger. Make a vertical cut 4" deep for lawns, or to plow-
ing depth for gardens, and push the soil aside. Then cut a thin slice from the side of the opening that is of
uniform thickness, approximately 2" in width, and extending from the top of the ground to the depth of the
cut. Scrape away or discard any surface mat of grass or litter and place the slice of soil into a clean bucket
or other container. Follow this sampling procedure in 10 or more dierent locations within each sampling
area, each time placing the resulting soil in the same container, giving you a composite sample.
B – Thoroughly mix the soil from the composite sample and then ll the sample box to the top with the mix-
ture. Fill in the information requested on the side of the sample box, including sample number,
complete the other side of this sheet, and send sample, sheet, and payment directly to the Soil Testing Labo-
For additional sampling instructions go to
Reviewed by Steve Heckendorn, laboratory manager, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Produced by Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, 2021
Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic informa-
tion, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University,
and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Edwin J. Jones, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg; M. Ray McKinnie, Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State University, Petersburg.
VT/0521/452-125 (SPES-322NP)