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Soil Erosion & Sedimentation
Control Permit Application
City of Midland Building Department: 333 West Ellsworth Street: Midland, Michigan 48640: 989-837-3383: Fax 989-835-2378:
Project Information:
Project Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Site Address: _______________________________________ Parcel Number: _____________________________
Description of Work: ___________________________________________________________________________
Total Parcel Size: _____________________Acres_ Total Disturbed Area*: _________________________Acres
*If earth change area is 5 acres or greater, a NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) permit must be obtained from MDEQ.
Applicant Information:
Landowner(s): _________________________________________________________________________________
Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State: __________________ Zip Code: ____________________
Phone Number: Work: ______________________ Cell: ____________________ Fax: ______________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________________
Designated Agent** Information: (check one) Architect/Engineer______ Contractor______ Other _____
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________________ State: _______________ Zip Code: _________________
Phone Number: Work:______________________ Cell: ____________________ Fax: ______________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________________
Designated Agent must have written statement from landowner authorizing him/her to secure a permit in landowner’s name.
On- Site Project Contact: ________________________________________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________ State: _______________ Zip Code: ________________
Phone Number: Work:______________________ Cell: ___________________ Fax: _______________________
E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________________
Certified Storm Water Operator:
Name: ____________________________________ Cert. Number: _______________ Exp. Date _______________
I (We) affirm that the information in this application is accurate and that I (we) will conduct the above described earth change in accordance with Part 91,
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control, of the Natural Resource and Environmental Protection Act, Act 451 of the Public Acts of 1994, as amended, it’s
corresponding rules, applicable local ordinances, and the documents accompanying this application. I acknowledge that I have read and will comply with the
general conditions and responsibilities as outlined in the application. This application serves as written consent for the City of Midland to enter onto this site
for the purpose of inspections. This permit does not exempt permit holder from obtaining other permits issued by State or Local agencies.
_____________________________________ _________________________________ _______________
(Landowners Signature) (Print Name) (Date)
_____________________________________________ ________________________________________ __________________
(Authorized Agent Signature) (Print Name) (Date)
Please complete reverse side
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Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control
Permit Application
Project Details:
Type of Disturbance: (please check all that apply)
Residential: _____ Commercial/Industrial: _____ Gravel/Sand Mining Pit: _____ New Residential Subdivision: _____
Will fill material be brought to site:______How many Cu Yds? ______ Type of fill ___________________________
Does project require a MDEQ Permit: _______ If yes, Please provide permit number: ________________________
Please attach permit for Part 31(Floodplain Occupancy Authority, Part 301 (Inland Lakes and Streams), and/or Part 303 (Wetland Protection)
Name of closest Lake, Stream or Drain:_______________________________ Distance from: _________________
Project Start Date: __________________________ Expected Completion Date: ____________________________
Please fill in Construction Sequence Schedule:
Construction Sequence Schedule
Soil Erosion Control Measures Install
Stone Access Drive In Place
Land Clearing
Fill and Site Balance
Excavation of Building Site
Completion of Earth Changes
Seed and Mulch as Required
Area Stabilized
Temporary Measures Removed
Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Details:
Plan Preparer’s Name: ______________________________________Phone Number: _______________________
Estimated Cost of All Temporary and Permanent Control Measures: $____________________________________
Items Required to process permit:
1) This application completed in its entirety.
2) Site/ SESC Plans showing the following:
a. Scaled, (no larger than 200’/inch), location map and address, or legal description, of parcel with north arrow.
b. Map showing physical limits of proposed earth change.
c. Soils survey or written description of soil types.
d. Topographical map, contours or grade shots accurately showing existing and proposed drainage patterns.
e. Location of any Lakes, streams, wetlands, drains, etc.
f. Location of proposed structures, driveways, ponds, stormwater basins, catches basins…etc.
g. Location of stone access drive and all SESC control measures.
h. Floodplain information.
i. Maintenance schedule and notes for all SESC measures.
j. Vicinity map showing project location and adjacent properties within 500 feet of site boundaries.
3) Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit Fees.
All SESC Measures Must be Inspected and Approved before any Earth Change May Begin.
Site Priority Classification:
Level 1: _______ Level 3: _______
Level 2: _______ Level 4: _______
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Letter of
City of Midland Building Department: 333 West Ellsworth Street: Midland, Michigan 48640: 989-837-3383: Fax 989-835-2378:
To Secure a Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permit
I, the landowner, of property, parcel #_______________________________________________________,
address _______________________________________________________________________________,
authorize _____________________________________________________________________________,
(Print Designated Agent’s Name)
to secure a Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control permit for the earth change on my property.
Landowner’s Name:
Company Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State:________________ Zip: __________________
Phone Numbers: Home: ______________ Cell: _________________ Work: ___________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _______________________________________
(Landowners Signature/ Date) (Print Name)
Designated Agent’s Name: ________________________________________________________
Company Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: _______________ Zip: ___________________
Phone Numbers: Home: ______________ Cell: _________________ Work: ___________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
(Designated Agent’s Signature/ Date) (Print Name)
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