Socorro Animal Shelter & Adoption Center
100 Airport Rd., Socorro NM, 87801
Phone: (505)838-3103
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Volunteer Agreement & Release Form
I, hereby agree to accept a position as a volunteer for the
Socorro Animal Shelter & Adoption Center in doing so, agree to;
1. Accept and adhere to all policies of the Socorro Animal Shelter & Adoption Center. I understand
that failure to comply may result in my immediate termination as a volunteer.
2. Accept the guidance and decisions of the shelter staff.
3. Understand the function of the paid staff, maintain a good working relationship with them, and
stay within the bounds of volunteer responsibility. If I have any concerns about the animals in
the shelter I will speak to staff.
I acknowledge that my services are provided strictly on a volunteer basis, without pay or
compensation of any kind, and without liability of any nature on behalf of the Socorro Animal
Shelter & Adoption Center and the City of Socorro.
Volunteers under the age of 18 yrs.: A parent or guardian MUST accompany the minor at all times.
Siblings and friends are not allowed to accompany minor volunteers unless they are registered as
volunteers and their parents/guardians are present.
I recognize that in handling animals and performing other volunteer’s tasks, there are risks of injury
including physical harm. All services to be performed by me are at my own risk. On behalf of myself,
my heirs, personal representative, and executers, I hereby release, discharge, indemnify, and hold
harmless the Socorro Animal Shelter & Adoption Center, it’s agents, servants, and employees from
any and all claims, causes of actions, or demands of any nature or cause, including costs and
attorney’s fees incurred by the Socorro Animal Shelter & Adoption Center in connection with the
same, based on damages or injuries which may be incurred or sustained in any way connected with
my services of the Socorro Animal Shelter & Adoption Center, including but not limited to animal
bites, accidents, or injuries.
Signature Date
Print Parent Name Signature Date