Natural Resources Management Department
2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Building A, Room 219
Viera, Florida 32940
(321) 633-2016
Small Scale Land Clearing Permit Application
Brevard County Code Section 62-4338(7) Landscaping, Land Clearing, and Tree Protection
A $240.00 non-refundable fee is required prior to processing this application.
Property Owner: Phone #: _____________
Applicant: Phone #
Contact Email:
Site Address:
Zoning: Tax ID # Site Acreage:
Give a brief narrative of requested land clearing activities below:
1. Up to 50% of the understory of the area of the site or one (1) acre, whichever is less, can be
approved for removal.
2. Up to 10% native canopy of the area of the site can be approved for removal.
3. Viable specimen trees (total diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥ 24 inches) cannot be
approved for removal, and may not be cleared. (Excludes Non-Native Invasive Plants).
4. Mitigation for the approved removal of viable protected trees (≥ 10 inches dbh) may be
required before final inspection.
5. Only one Small Scale Land Clearing permit shall be approved per calendar year for any
property, regardless of ownership.
6. Native vegetation in the Surface Water Protection Buffer shall not be removed.
7. Submit/attach an exhibit showing area of site and vegetation/tree(s) involved.
lease read the following and check each box that you have read and acknowledge
the content.
The property/owner and/or agent shall be responsible for obtaining all applicable State and/or
Federal permits.
If approved, the permit does not pertain to protected species laws and requirements.
If approved, no wetland impacts will be permitted or authorized.
If approved, the owner shall be responsible for the posting of the small-scale land clearing
Once approved, the owner has 30 days from the date of issuance per Section 62-4338(5) to
schedule a final inspection, otherwise the permit expires and may result in a violation of
Brevard County Code.
For Official Use Only
Transaction #: ___________________
Approved ____ Permit #: _________________
Denied ____ Reason: ____________________________________