Revised 12/29/2020
Please include the following documents with the Accessory Building Permit Application:
Site Plan: The Applicant must provide a Site Plan indicating
location of the Accessory Building in relation to Setbacks
(property lines) and existing buildings.
_ Site Plan (or) GIS Aerial Photo
Accessory Building Limitations:
_ Accessory Buildings shall not be constructed on any lot
prior to the completion of the Principal Building, unless
the property is zoned Agricultural (AG)
_ Accessory Buildings are not permitted in any required
front yard
Accessory Building Setback:
_ Setback Requirements: building must meet minimum
setback limits dependent upon the associated parcel
_ Distance between buildings: Minimum distance of ten
(10) feet
_ Height: Maximum side wall height of fifteen (15) feet
_ Accessory Buildings built on-site with a foundation are
not allowed to be located in any type of easement.
_ Accessory Buildings on skids may be located within a
utility subject to the property owner bearing responsibility for moving or removing the
building should work need to be conducted in the easement
Additional Regulations:
_ All driveways accessing Accessory Buildings from a Public ROW/Alley shall obtain approval
from the City prior to installation of the driveway
_ All driveways accessing an Accessory Building shall be constructed of a concrete/asphalt
surface from the front building to the Public ROW, except in Agricultural Zoning Districts
_ Accessory Buildings on a single property shall not singularly or in total exceed the limits
of 7% of the property's total acreage. 405.640.C.7
For addi
tional regulations relating to Accessory Buildings, refer to City Code Section 405.640 Accessory