Leighton E. Sissom Innovation and Creativity Award
The Sissom Award was established to recognize innovation and creativity in scholarship, methodology,
invention, technique, processes, or other unique contributions demonstrating innovation and creativity.
Faculty, staff, and students in the College of Engineering are eligible for nomination.
Nominee(s): __________________________________________________________________________
Positions(s): __________________________________________________________________________
Dept(s)/Center(s): _____________________________________________________________________
Nominator: ________________________ Position in College of Engineering: ____________________
Phone: Email:
1. Briefly describe the specific contribution by the nominee that warrants consideration for the award
as being innovative and creative.
2. The above contribution is to be considered to be unique in,
(Check one or more as appropriate.)
____a. Scholarship ____b. Methodology ____c. Invention ____d. Technique
____e. Process ____f. Other:___________________________________________________
3. Give reasons why you believe the above-mentioned contribution merits consideration by the award
committee. Include impact on the College of Engineering, for example: retention, college recognition,
cost savings, etc-
Signature of Nominator:_____________________________ Date: __________________
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