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6 How we’ll use your personal information
We’ll use the information you’ve provided in this form to help you pay a single contribution into your pension plan with us.
We’ll also share your information with selected third party companies such as service providers, regulators and research
companies. Your information may be used to allow us to complete regulatory checks and to help us provide a better service
for our customers.
If you want to know more about how we use your information, including your rights, our lawful basis, who else we may share it
with and how long we keep it for, please take a look at our privacy notice at royallondon.com/privacynotice.
If you’d rather receive this information in another format, for example a recorded version, please call us on 0800 0853252.
7 Declaration
You should read and sign this section. If there’s anything that you don’t fully understand you should speak to your
financial adviser or Royal London.
I confirm that:
this is my application to apply a single contribution which is detailed in section 4, to my existing Pension Portfolio Plan with
Royal London;
I want Royal London to invest my single contribution in the same investment choice as my plan’s existing investments;
if I’ve triggered the money purchase annual allowance (MPAA) by flexibly accessing my retirement savings with Royal London
or any other provider, I’ve already made Royal London aware of this.
the total contributions I make to any registered pension schemes, won’t be greater than 100% of my relevant UK earnings
for the relevant tax year or £3,600 if greater. Where I’m making regular or single contributions I confirm I’m a relevant
UK individual, as defined in sections 188 and 189 of the Finance Act 2004, because I’m under the age of 75 and that either
I am, or have been, resident in the UK in the current tax year, or I have relevant UK earnings or I’m a crown employee or a
husband, wife or civil partner of a crown employee. As a result I’m eligible for tax relief on my contributions. If I cease to be
entitled to tax relief I’ll notify Royal London by the later of:
5 April in the tax year I am no longer entitled to tax relief
30 days after the date I am no longer entitled to tax relief.
I authorise Royal London to:
accept any reasonable instructions regarding my plan from any financial adviser appointed by me as if the instructions were
given by me directly. I accept Royal London cannot be held responsible for any consequences of relying on these instructions;
disclose information concerning my plan, including any adviser charges, to any financial adviser appointed by me in order for
them to provide me with advice and services that relate to my plan. If I don’t want Royal London to share information about my
plan, I accept that I can inform Royal London of this by writing in the way described in the ‘Privacy notice’ section.
I accept that:
if I’ve agreed that adviser charges will be deducted from my plan in return for the advice and services I’ve received from my
current financial adviser held on Royal London’s records, and which relate to my single contribution, these are detailed in
section 5 of this application form; and
any adviser charges I agree with my financial adviser are a matter between me and my financial adviser and Royal London
will not get involved with any dispute I may have with my financial adviser regarding the adviser charges;
my financial adviser has discussed any agreed adviser charges with me and has explained the impact they’ll have on my
plan; if I want to find out how these adviser charges will be deducted from my plan, this is detailed within my Plan booklet;
if I’ve agreed my financial adviser will receive an adviser charge as a percentage of my single contribution, this adviser
charge instruction will also apply to any future single contributions that I make to my plan within the next 24 months, unless I
tell Royal London otherwise. However if I choose to make a further single contribution to my plan and more than 24 months
has passed since I made my last single contribution, I accept Royal London will require a new adviser charge instruction;
if I want to change an agreed adviser charge instruction, I’ll need to provide Royal London with a new instruction;
if I change my financial adviser I should let Royal London know as soon as possible. In such circumstances, Royal London
will continue to pay any outstanding initial adviser charge to my previous adviser. I also accept that if I want to pay an
adviser charge to a new financial adviser I will need to provide Royal London with a new adviser charge instruction;
if Royal London stops making adviser charge payments to my financial adviser for any reason, or if I instruct Royal London
to discontinue paying an adviser charge to my financial adviser or if I cancel my single contribution within the cancellation
period, I may remain liable to reimburse my financial adviser for the cost of the advice and services provided to me. I should
check the terms of my agreement with my financial adviser in this event;
if I decide to cancel my single contribution within the cancellation period, Royal London will not refund any adviser charge
payment that has been made to my financial adviser in relation to that single contribution;