Sign Permit
Zoning requirements—Staff recommends always verifying the zoning requirements for your project before
deciding to build. Warrensburg has eleven separate zoning districts, each with minimum lot size, building
height, setback, parking, landscaping, and other requirements. The sign regulations are in Article IX of Chapter
27 of the Code of City Ordinances. For zoning questions please contact Amanda Jacobson, City Planner, at
Adopted Code—The City has adopted the 2012 International Codes listed below. Sign structures must be
designed according to these codes and all applicable local codes such as zoning, floodplain, and erosion
control requirements.
2012 International Building Code
2011 National Electrical Code
Local amendments to the codes are in Chapter 6 of the Code of City Ordinances
Submission Requirements—Plans submitted for signs over 15 feet in height are required to be stamped by a
Missouri registered architect and engineer. Each page of a plan set is required to be wet-stamped and signed
by the appropriate design professional. This also applies to all resubmittals. Electronic stamps and signatures
are accepted.
1) Sign permit application
2) Land Disturbance application
3) Plans (must be wet-stamped by a Missouri registered architect and/or engineer if sign is 15’ or taller)
a) Structural calculations or other substantiation of structural performance.
b) General specifications.
c) Complete Electrical plans and specifications
4) Site plan or building elevation drawn to scale showing:
1) Lot dimensions
2) Sign location and dimensions
3) Location & type of existing signage
4) Driveways, Adjacent street(s), Sidewalks & Utility easements
5) Front, rear & side setbacks
6) Address, Subdivision & Lot number (if applicable)
7) North arrow, scale bar & text
Fees—Permit fees are due at the time the building permit is issued. The permit fee is $40.00 per sign.
Review time— After all applications and plans have been received, the Plan Review Team will begin the
review process. This process generally takes 2 business days. After the review, you will be contacted
regarding the results of the review.
Contractor licensing—All general and sub-contractors are required to have a current Warrensburg Business
License. To obtain a business license contact Carl Larkerbrink in the Collections Department at 660-747-9131.
Contractors’ licenses will be verified by City staff prior to issuing a building permit. Persons that maintain,
install, or repair suppression and detection equipment or systems shall register with the Fire Department.
Registration applications are available from the Fire Department at 102 S. Holden Street.
Inspections—Contact Sandi Anstine, Permit Clerk, at 660-747-9135 to schedule an inspection. Failure to
request a required inspection could result in project modifications at the owner’s expense. No inspections will
be made until required permits have been obtained.