Sign Permit
Zoning requirements—Staff recommends always verifying the zoning requirements for your project before
deciding to build. Warrensburg has eleven separate zoning districts, each with minimum lot size, building
height, setback, parking, landscaping, and other requirements. The sign regulations are in Article IX of Chapter
27 of the Code of City Ordinances. For zoning questions please contact Amanda Jacobson, City Planner, at
Adopted Code—The City has adopted the 2012 International Codes listed below. Sign structures must be
designed according to these codes and all applicable local codes such as zoning, floodplain, and erosion
control requirements.
2012 International Building Code
2011 National Electrical Code
Local amendments to the codes are in Chapter 6 of the Code of City Ordinances
Submission Requirements—Plans submitted for signs over 15 feet in height are required to be stamped by a
Missouri registered architect and engineer. Each page of a plan set is required to be wet-stamped and signed
by the appropriate design professional. This also applies to all resubmittals. Electronic stamps and signatures
are accepted.
1) Sign permit application
2) Land Disturbance application
3) Plans (must be wet-stamped by a Missouri registered architect and/or engineer if sign is 15’ or taller)
a) Structural calculations or other substantiation of structural performance.
b) General specifications.
c) Complete Electrical plans and specifications
4) Site plan or building elevation drawn to scale showing:
1) Lot dimensions
2) Sign location and dimensions
3) Location & type of existing signage
4) Driveways, Adjacent street(s), Sidewalks & Utility easements
5) Front, rear & side setbacks
6) Address, Subdivision & Lot number (if applicable)
7) North arrow, scale bar & text
FeesPermit fees are due at the time the building permit is issued. The permit fee is $40.00 per sign.
Review time— After all applications and plans have been received, the Plan Review Team will begin the
review process. This process generally takes 2 business days. After the review, you will be contacted
regarding the results of the review.
Contractor licensing—All general and sub-contractors are required to have a current Warrensburg Business
License. To obtain a business license contact Carl Larkerbrink in the Collections Department at 660-747-9131.
Contractors’ licenses will be verified by City staff prior to issuing a building permit. Persons that maintain,
install, or repair suppression and detection equipment or systems shall register with the Fire Department.
Registration applications are available from the Fire Department at 102 S. Holden Street.
Inspections—Contact Sandi Anstine, Permit Clerk, at 660-747-9135 to schedule an inspection. Failure to
request a required inspection could result in project modifications at the owner’s expense. No inspections will
be made until required permits have been obtained.
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Updated 4/19/2017
Date: _________________ Permit # : _______________ Construction Value $_______________
Owner Sign Contractor Business Name:
Name: Business Address:
Address: Business Phone:
Sign Contractor: Merchant License #
Electrical Contractor: Merchant License #
Are there existing signs on the property? No Yes
Total # of existing signs: ____________
Type(s) of existing signs (see Sign Types attachment for definitions):
Pole Pylon Ground Mounted Wall Roof Projecting Driveway N/A
Is this a repair or replacement of an existing sign on the property? No Yes
How will the sign be illuminated? Attach 2 copies of the electrical details.
Non-illuminated Illuminated from an internal source Electronic Message Center
Flashing Sign Illuminated by separate ground lighting
3. NEW SIGNS OR SIGN TO BE REPAIRED-check all that apply
Pole: Signs over 15 ft. in height require plans stamped by a licensed Missouri Engineer.
a. Sign dimensions: Height ft. Width ft. Area sq. ft.
b. Overall sign height above grade: ft. (Maximum 30’ height allowed)
c. Clearance between the sign and the ground: ft. (Minimum 8’ clearance required)
d. Type of footing: Frost Footing with Pad Pad only N/A
e. Footing dimensions: Length ft. Width ft. Depth ft.
f. Footing reinforcement: Rebar Fiber Mesh None Other___________ N/A
g. Sign material: Steel Wood Other ___________
h. Type of anchors: Screws Bolts Metal anchors Other ___________ N/A
i. Number of Anchors: _____________
j. Anchor Dimensions: Diameter in. Length in. N/A
Attach: 2 copies of a drawing of the sign showing dimensions & construction specifications
2 copies of a site plan showing sign dimensions, location and setbacks from property lines.
PHONE: 660-747-9135
FAX: 660-747-2349
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Updated 4/19/2017
Pylon: Signs over 15 ft. in height require plans stamped by a licensed Missouri Engineer.
a. Sign dimensions: Height ft. Width ft. Area sq. ft.
b. Overall sign height above grade: ft. (Maximum 25’ height allowed)
c. Type of footing: Frost Footing with Pad Pad only N/A
d. Footing dimensions: Length ft. Width ft. Depth ft.
e. Footing reinforcement: Rebar Fiber Mesh None Other___________ N/A
f. What material will the sign be made of? Steel Wood Concrete Masonry
g. If there is a structural frame under a masonry veneer, what is the frame made of?
Steel Wood Other ___________
Attach: ● 2 copies of a drawing of the sign showing dimensions & construction specifications
● 2 copies of a site plan showing sign dimensions, location and setbacks from property lines.
Ground Mounted
a. Sign dimensions: Height ft. Width ft. Area sq. ft.
b. Overall sign height above grade: ft. (Maximum 15’ height allowed. Maximum 10’ in CB District.)
c. Clearance between the sign and the ground: ft. (Maximum 24” clearance allowed)
d. Type of footing: Frost Footing with Pad Pad only N/A
e. Footing dimensions: Length ft. Width ft. Depth ft.
f. Footing reinforcement: Rebar Fiber Mesh None Other___________ N/A
g. Sign Material: Steel Wood Concrete Masonry
h. If there is a structural frame under a masonry veneer, what is the frame made of?
Steel Wood Other ___________
Attach: ● 2 copies of a drawing of the sign showing dimensions & construction specifications
● 2 copies of a site plan showing sign dimensions, location and setbacks from property lines.
Driveway Sign
a. Sign dimensions: Height ft. Width ft. Area sq. ft.
b. Overall sign height above grade: ft. (Maximum 4’ height allowed)
Attach: ● 2 copies of a drawing of the sign showing dimensions & construction specifications
● 2 copies of a site plan showing sign dimensions, location, and setbacks from property lines
Wall Sign
a. Sign dimensions: Height ft. Width ft. Area sq. ft.
b. Wall dimensions: Height ft. Width ft. Area sq. ft.
***Wall Signs may cover a combined maximum of 30% of the wall face***
c. Sign Material: Steel Wood Concrete Masonry
d. Material of exterior wall: Steel Wood Concrete Solid Masonry Stone
e. Type of anchors: Screws Bolts Metal anchors Other ___________ N/A
f. Number of Anchors: _____________
g. Anchor Dimensions: Diameter in. Length in. N/A
Attach: ● 2 copies of a drawing or picture of the sign and where it will be installed on the building
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Updated 4/19/2017
Roof Sign
a. Sign dimensions: Height ft. Width ft. Area sq. ft.
b. Type of anchors: Screws Bolts Metal anchors Other ___________ N/A
c. Number of Anchors: _____________
d. Anchor Dimensions: Diameter in. Length in. N/A
e. Sign Material: Steel Wood Concrete Masonry
Attach: ● 2 copies of a drawing or picture of the sign and where it will be installed on the roof
Projecting Sign
a. Sign dimensions: Height ft. Width ft. Area sq. ft.
b. Clearance between the sign and the ground: ft.
c. Distance between the leading edge of the sign and the street curb: ft.
d. Is the projecting sign being installed as an awning? No Yes
e. Sign Material: Steel Wood Concrete Masonry
f. Type of anchors: Screws Bolts Metal anchors Other ___________ N/A
g. Number of Anchors: _____________
h. Anchor Dimensions: Diameter in. Length in. N/A
Attach: ● 2 copies of a drawing or picture of the sign and where it will be installed on the building
I hereby certify the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to
make the application as his/her authorized agent. I agree to conform to all applicable laws of this jurisdiction and
acknowledge the application of Chapter 27, the Zoning Ordinance, of the Code of City Ordinances to all construction in
Warrensburg, and specifically acknowledges that setback regulations apply to all construction within the City. The
undersigned permitee is solely responsible to investigate and ensure compliance with these regulations. Failure to do so
may result in citation for violation of the applicable ordinance, failure to secure a certificate of occupancy, failure to secure
future permits, or any combination thereof.
In addition to other possible required inspections, I acknowledge that a footing inspection is required for all ground
mounted and freestanding signs and that a final inspection is required for all signs.
Applicant Name (Please Print) Signature of Applicant Date
Permit Fee: $ Approved: Building Official Date:
Zoning Official Date:
Construction Type: Use: Zoning District:
PHONE: 660-747-9135
FAX: 660-747-2349
A Freestanding Sign whose surface display
is not less than twenty-four (24) inches
above finish grade. Not permitted in the CB:
Central Business District.
A Freestanding Sign with three (3) or more
Sign faces forming a closed shape. Pylon
signs shall have 0” of clearance above
existing finish grade. Not permitted in the
CB: Central Business District.
A Freestanding Sign whose bottom edge of
advertising is less than twenty-four (24)
inches above finish grade.
A Freestanding Sign not to exceed six (6)
square feet in surface display area and four
(4) feet in overall height that is erected
within ten (10) feet of a driveway entrance
or exit, as measured at the lot line.
Any Sign painted on, attached to, or erected
against the wall with the exposed face of the
Sign in a plane parallel to the plane of said
wall, including Signs installed inside a
window and intended to be viewed from the
A Sign erected on a roof, including a
mansard type roof, or above a parapet wall.
Not permitted in the CB: Central Business
A Sign, other than a flat Wall Sign, which is
attached to and projects from a building wall
or other structure not specifically designed
to support the Sign.
Pizza Shoppe
Wall Sign
Side Elevation
Main Roof