t #:_______________
City Clerk
City of Maplewood
1902 County Road B East
Maplewood MN 55109
Phone: (651) 249-2300
Street addr
ess of proposed sign location: __________________________________________________
Name of the business at this location: _____________________________________________________
ant/business name: ______________________________________________________________
Contact person: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________City ________________State ______Zip_________
Daytime telephone number: _______________________________________Fax:__________________
Sign insta
ller: _______________________________________________________________________
Contact person: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________City________________State______Zip_________
Daytime telephone number: _______________________________________Fax:__________________
Number and type of existing signs: _______________________________________________________
Temporary (12 square feet or over):
Dynamic Display Sign (if yes, see below)
yes no
Type of temporary sign:
Overall height
Face width
Balloon / Banner / Other
Face height
Sign square feet
Sign square feet
Sign installation and removal dates
Business allowed 30 days per year or 60 days if new business
Dynamic Display Sign (if yes, see below)
yes no
Billboard (requires CUP also):
Gross square footage of principal structure
(BC/BC-M/M-1/M-2 zoning only)
Overall height
Face width
Gross square footage of the wall that the
sign will be installed
(Residential/LBC/CO/NC zoning only)
Face height
Sign square feet
Linear footage of building frontage the
sign will be installed
(Mixed Use zoning only)
Dynamic Display Sign (LED, etc.):
▪Yearly license required from City Clerk
Sign width
▪Comp Sign Plan Application required for wall sign
Sign height
▪Display operation
Sign square feet
(Please attach separate statement describing
the proposed operation of the display face)
Is sign illuminated? yes no Note: If sign is illuminated an electrical permit will be required
The applicant hereby grants permission for the City’s
employees, officials and agents to enter onto the property that
subject to this application for the purposes of viewing the
property and reviewing this request.
Name Printed _________________________________
Zoning Approved: ___________________________
Building Appr
oved: __________________________
(Only freestanding over 6ft)
City Cler
k Approved: _________________________
(Only dynamic display signs)
You must provide all of the following items with your application, unless the Environmental and Economic Development
Department Director waives a requirement:
1. An application fee. The fees are as follows:
Wall Sign permit fee - $110
Freestanding Sign permit fee - $175
Dynamic Display permit fee - $175
Temporary sign - $45
Billboard permit fee - $500
2. A drawing for signs attached to the building
a. Where you plan to have the sign
attached to the building.
b. The dimensions of the wall to which
you plan to have the sign attached.
c. The dimensions of the sign.
d. Any existing signs attached to the
3. The following drawings for freestanding signs:
NOTE: Plans signed by a structural engineer are required if the sign is over 6 feet in height.
a. A site plan, drawn to scale, showing the following:
(1) A north arrow
(2) All structures, parking lots, drives and curb cuts on the lot
(3) Property dimensions
(4) Street names
(5) Placement of proposed sign(s)
(6) Placement of existing sign(s)
b. A drawing of the proposed sign showing its dimensions and height above street grade.
c. Footing details.
1. It is illegal to install a sign without a permit.
2. You must also get an electrical permit if your sign will use electricity. In addition, all illuminated signs must meet the
City of Maplewood’s outdoor lighting ordinance, which prohibits light glare onto residential properties, and requires
light illumination from all exterior lights to maintain a .4-foot-candle, or less, light illumination at all property lines.
Please contact a city planner with questions regarding the city’s lighting ordinance.
3. The sign installer must have a City of Maplewood license. Sign installer licenses are good from January 1st
December 31st of the year the license is issued in.
4. Dynamic display sign licensing requirements:
a. Definition: A dynamic display sign is defined as any sign used for outdoor advertisement which is
capable of displaying a video signal, including, but not limited to, cathode-ray tubes (CRT), light-emitting
diode (LED) displays, plasma displays, liquid-crystal displays (LCD), or other technologies used in
commercially available televisions or computer monitors.
b. License Required: No person shall operate an off-site or on-site dynamic display sign in the city
without first obtaining a dynamic display license.
c. Application Process: Prior to final approval of a dynamic display sign permit by the Community
Development Department, the applicant will be required to complete a dynamic display license application.
The initial and yearly applications are processed by the licensing division of the City Clerk’s office (651-249-
d. License Term: The dynamic display license must be renewed yearly and is valid from July 1 to
June 30 of each year.
e. License Fee: The yearly license fee is equal to the cost of the dynamic display sign permit fee,
which is $175.
f. Transfer of License: Dynamic display licenses are transferable from one owner to another.
g. Renewal of License: The city shall have the right not to reissue a license for a dynamic display
sign if the sign is found to be noncompliant with the city’s dynamic display sign code. The licensee has the
right to appeal such license denial to the city council.
Revised: 12/18
P\com_dvpt\word\ applications\sign permit 2018