January 2018
Short Term & Special Events Rental Agreement Form
(For use by primary residents)
A short-term rental is defined as renting of the residence or a room, guesthouse or apartment or
any portion of the property, on an occasional basis for a period of less than three months
Short term rentals will be reviewed annually and permission withdrawn if problems arise
Leaseholder Information
Leaseholder (print or type) ______________________________________________________
University Lease Number: _______
Residence Address (E 911 street address): __________________________________________
Contact Number: __________________________________
I/we understand that I/we remain responsible for compliance with all of the terms of the lease
with the University and for the payment of lease fees and community garbage service fees to the
University. I understand that no signs are allowed in the yard for advertising, and no rentals may
be made to undergraduates. I/we have provided the renter with the information regarding the
University lease policies for this property.
Date: _________________ Signed: ______________________________________
The University hereby consents to the short term rental of this property according to the terms
and conditions set forth in this agreement.
Date: _________________ Signed: ______________________________________