Short Term Loan Application Form
Please note that the above criteria is for guidance only and is subject to change. All applications are subject to status and acceptance.
Shawbrook Bank Limited, Lutea House, Warley Hill Business Park, The Drive, Great Warley, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3BE
Property Finance, Commercial Mortgages T: 03301 234 521 F: 01277 751 145 cm.admin@shawbrook.co.uk shawbrook.co.uk
Registered office: Lutea House, Warley Hill Business Park, The Drive, Great Warley, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3BE. Registered in England and Wales -
Company Number 388466. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Thank you for applying for a short term loan with Shawbrook Bank.
Item needed Additional information Tick to confirm noted / enclosed
Fully completed
application form
• Please complete all sections in BLOCK CAPITALS.
• You will need to sign this form in Section 9, 10 & 11. Please ensure that all parties to the mortgage
complete and sign the form.
• Please speak to your broker if you are not sure about how to complete any areas of the form.
• All parties to the mortgage must complete and sign the form.
Valuation report
• This will be instructed by your broker via the Shawbrook Valuation Panel Manager, upon
payment of the fee by you, our customer.
• The surveyor will confirm market rent on any investment properties. We recommend you
contact local agents to check the rental income potential of your property.
• We may require any specialist reports and estimates recommended by the surveyor.
3 months business
and personal bank
Where the loan is being serviced, or the credit search does not provide sufficient detail on conduct
of personal debt we will require:
• The last three months business and personal current account statements are required for all
• Copies of documents must be certified by a professional person as ‘original seen’ and dated.
Examples of “professional person” include: a UK lawyer, banker, an authorised financial
intermediary or broker, accountant, post master/sub post master.
• Acceptable evidence: current signed passport, current full driving license, or current signed
national identity card, current shotgun/firearms certificate.
• Copies of documents must be certified by a professional person as ‘original seen’, clarifying
that the copy is a ‘true likeness’ and dated. I.e. a UK lawyer, banker, an authorised financial
intermediary or broker, accountant, post master/sub post master.
12 months mortgage
history on all secured
personal and
business borrowings
This is only required if the mortgage history is not included on the credit search facility we obtain.
We will highlight this on the Conditions to Lend issued via your broker.
• Acceptable evidence: lender statements or bank statements clearly showing the lender names
alongside the debit or payment profile identified on the credit search. This is valid for 3 months
from the date of the last proved payment.
• If you currently rent your personal residence or business property, you will need to evidence the
rent paid by way of 12 months bank statements or a reference from your landlord.
Any other
stated within your
Heads of Terms
If you have any queries, your broker will be able to talk you through any additional requirements.
To ensure that we can process your application, it is really important that all the information provided is
full and complete to save any delays. If you have any questions on requirements or specific areas of the
application form, your first point of contact should be your broker who will be happy to explain in more detail.
If you applied to us via an intermediary, they should have told you how your information would be used by
them, including that it would be provided to us. You should advise us immediately if this was not the case.
The way in which we will use your information is set-out in our privacy notice at https://www.shawbrook.
co.uk/privacy-notice/. If you would like a paper copy of our privacy notice, please telephone our Data
Protection Officer on 01277 755510 or write to us at Shawbrook Bank Ltd, Lutea House, Warley Hill Business
Park, The Drive, Great Warley, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3BE to request one. By signing this application form
you acknowledge you have read our Privacy Notice.
We have listed below all the requirements for submission. Upon receipt of all documents we aim to provide
a response to your broker within 24 hours of receipt.