oda Report - 1 records
Sheep and goat health management study - Tanzania
Status: Completed
Dates: 01/02/1992 - 31/03/1992
Project code: 599-656-001
R Number: R4906
Commitment: 15,930 GBP
Implementing agency: DFID - Policy Division (PD) formerly DFID -
Rural Livelihoods Department (RLD)
DFID Programme: Animal Health Programme
Countries: Tanzania
About the project:
The aim of this study was to formulate a suitable proposal for a research
project in Morogoro region, Tanzania designed to investigate disease
constraints in small ruminant production. Of particular interest was the
epidemiology of helminth disease as affected by different management
systems such as tethering. The research project was to form part of a post-
graduate study programme for a member of staff from the Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine (FVM) at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA),
Morogoro. The study included a review of disease in small ruminants in
Tanzania and other African countries.
Goats form an essential part of pastoral and mixed farming enterprises in
Tanzania and account for approximately 30 percent of red meat
production. Furthermore, goats are used mored efficiently than cattle with
much higher annual offtakes and their meat is preferred to that of sheep.
There is still plenty of scope to increase offtake however and in addition
to meat, goats also provide milk, skins and manure. The goat population
in Tanzania has been estimated to be 6.5 million head.
Information on management and disease constraints affecting goat
production in Tanzania is extremely limited. Some researchers have
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reported significant production losses due to helminthiasis though it is
likely that management and climate factors will influence the severity of
this condition. No reliable data is available on other potentially important
diseases of goats, such as pnuemonia, infectious abortion or footrot, or
how the prevalence and economic importance of these conditions may
vary according to husbandry. Such information would help Tanzanian
farmers and smallholders to avoid losses due to disease and make
maximum and sustainable use of local natural resources.
DFID contact:
Head of Section
Rural Livelihoods Department
Department for International Development
1 Palace Street
London SW1E 5HE
Tel: 020 7023 0000
Fax: 020 7023 0624
Contracting agency:
Pentlands Science Park
Bush Loan
EH26 0PZ
Tel: 0131 445 6241
Fax: 0131 445 6242
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