Shasta College
Student Health & Wellness Office
P.O. Box 496006, 11555 Old Oregon Trail, Redding, CA 96049-6006
Phone: (530)242-7580 / Fax: (530) 225-4968
I > Wellness > Forms Brochures > Consent for Treatment, ADULTS 20200616 Revised by srl
lcome to Shasta College Student Health & Wellness Office! The Student Health & Wellness Office maintains
personnel and facilities to assist you in maintaining and/or enhancing your health. The office has limited hours and
services are provided to assist District students with minor, temporary conditions that require only short-term care. The
Student Health Office is not a comprehensive health care provider and is not structured to address all of the healthcare
needs of District students. It is not the intention, nor contained in the scope of practice, of the healthcare professionals
in this office to be identified as primary healthcare providers.
I understand that my treatment will be confidential and my records will not be released to anyone without my written
permission, except where required or permitted by law as Mandated Reporters to report to local and state agencies.
Mandated Reporters are required to report certain diseases; any knowledge or suspicion of child neglect or abuse
(including sexual exploitation), neglect or abuse of the elderly or dependent adults; when a patient is a danger to
himself/herself, another person or property (including the campus community); the patient is gravely disabled;
disclosure is court ordered; or emergencies. In the event that I am injured, hospitalized, or gravely disabled for any
reason, this document will serve as written consent to share confidential patient information as needed with
necessary college, healthcare, or law enforcement personnel. Fortunately these situations are infrequent. By signing
this form I also give permission to communicate with the Emergency Contact that I have designated if Student Health
Office staff believe me to be at-risk.
Student Health Office personnel and contracted providers function as a multidisciplinary team for the purpose of
providing the most effective and efficient treatment possible. Under certain circumstances, medical and mental health
staff will exchange information regarding a student. This exchange will only occur when it has been determined that it
is in the best interest of the student, and only relevant information necessary to treat the student will be exchanged.
Medical appointments with the College Nurse and Physician are limited and require on time check-in. If you arrive
more than 15 minutes late to your appointment you may be asked to reschedule.
Therapeutic Counseling resources are limited. Regular attendance at counseling sessions is important to achieve
maximum benefit within the short-term counseling we provide. The number and length of sessions will be determined
by your counselor, based on your counseling needs.
f you arrive more than 15 minutes late to your appointment, you will not be seen and will be asked to reschedule. If
you do not show for your scheduled appointment or have repeated cancellations, you will be directed to use one of
the counselor’s daily Crisis Drop-In Visit times.
To cancel or re-schedule an appointment, please phone as far in advance as possible. Failure to do so will result as a
missed (No Show) appointment. Specific to missed appointments, we will assume that you have discontinued
treatment and will not automatically reschedule you for another appointment.
The Board of Behavioral Sciences receives and responds to complaints regarding services provided
within the scope of practice of (marriage and family therapists, licensed educational psychologists,
clinical social workers, or professional clinical counselors). You may contact the board online at
www.bbs.ca.gov, or by calling (916) 574-7830.