Section C. Proposed Team.
9-11. Firm Name, Address, and Role in This Contract.
Provide the contractual relationship, name, full mailing
address, and a brief description of the role of each firm that
will be involved in performance of this contract. List the
prime contractor or joint venture partners first. If a firm has
branch offices, indicate each individual branch office that
will have a key role on the team. The named subcontractors
and outside associates or consultants must be used, and any
change must be approved by the contracting officer. (See
FAR Part 52 Clause "Subcontractors and Outside Associates
and Consultants (Architect-Engineer Services)".) Attach an
additional sheet in the same format as Section C if needed.
Section D. Organizational Chart of Proposed Team.
As an attachment after Section C, present an
organizational chart of the proposed team showing the
names and roles of all key personnel listed in Section E and
the firm they are associated with as listed in Section C.
Section E. Resumes of Key Personnel Proposed for This
Complete this section for each key person who will
participate in this contract. Group by firm, with personnel of
the prime contractor or joint venture partner firms first. The
following blocks must be completed for each resume:
12. Name. Self-explanatory.
13. Role in This Contract. Self-explanatory.
14. Years Experience. Total years of relevant experience
(block 14a), and years of relevant experience with current
firm, but not necessarily the same branch office (block 14b).
15. Firm Name and Location. Name, city and state of
the firm where the person currently works, which must
correspond with one of the firms (or branch office of a firm,
if appropriate) listed in Section C.
16. Education. Provide information on the highest
relevant academic degree(s) received. Indicate the area(s) of
specialization for each degree.
17. Current Professional Registration. Provide informa-
tion on current relevant professional registration(s) in a State
or possession of the United States, Puerto Rico, or the
District of Columbia according to FAR Part 36.
18. Other Professional Qualifications. Provide informa-
tion on any other professional qualifications relating to this
contract, such as education, professional registration,
publications, organizational memberships, certifications,
training, awards, and foreign language capabilities.
19. Relevant Projects. Provide information on up to five
projects in which the person had a significant role that
demonstrates the person's capability relevant to her/his
proposed role in this contract. These projects do not
necessarily have to be any of the projects presented in
Section F for the project team if the person was not involved
in any of those projects or the person worked on other
projects that were more relevant than the team projects in
Section F. Use the check box provided to indicate if the
project was performed with any office of the current firm. If
any of the professional services or construction projects are
not complete, leave Year Completed blank and indicate the
status in Brief Description and Specific Role (block (3)).
Section F. Example Projects Which Best Illustrate
Proposed Team's Qualifications for This Contract.
Select projects where multiple team members worked
together, if possible, that demonstrate the team's capability
to perform work similar to that required for this contract.
Complete one Section F for each project. Present ten
projects, unless otherwise specified by the agency.
Complete the following blocks for each project:
20. Example Project Key Number. Start with "1" for the
first project and number consecutively.
21. Title and Location. Title and location of project or
contract. For an indefinite delivery contract, the location is
the geographic scope of the contract.
22. Year Completed. Enter the year completed of the
professional services (such as planning, engineering study,
design, or surveying), and/or the year completed of
construction, if applicable. If any of the professional
services or the construction projects are not complete, leave
Year Completed blank and indicate the status in Brief
Description of Project and Relevance to This Contract (block
23a. Project Owner. Project owner or user, such as a
government agency or installation, an institution, a
corporation or private individual.
23b. Point of Contact Name. Provide name of a person
associated with the project owner or the organization which
contracted for the professional services, who is very familiar
with the project and the firm's (or firms') performance.
23c. Point of Contact Telephone Number
24. Brief Description of Project and Relevance to This
Contract. Indicate scope, size, cost, principal elements and
special features of the project. Discuss the relevance of the
example project to this contract. Enter any other
information requested by the agency for each example