Supervisor's Statement
In Connection With Disability Retirement Under the Civil Service Retirement System
Civil Service
and the Federal Employees Retirement System
Federal Employees
Retirement System Retirement System
This form should be completed by the immediate supervisor
or someone who is in a position to observe the applicant on a regular basis.
Form Approved:
OMB No. 3206-0228
All sections of this form must be completed properly.
Failure to do so will delay the processing of the disability
application at OPM.
The employee identified in Section A has indicated that he or
she intends to apply for disability retirement. The applicant's
signature on the "Applicant's Statement" authorizes his or her
immediate supervisor (or a supervisor who was and is in a
position to observe the applicant on a regular basis) to provide
the information and documentation requested. The immediate
supervisor is asked to provide information about the applicant's
job, performance, attendance, and conduct.
If you need more space in any section, attach a separate sheet
and indicate that an attachment is provided.
The following definitions apply to the terms used in the
Supervisor's Statement.
"Less than fully successful performance" means performance
of an employee which fails to meet established performance
standards in one or more critical elements of the employee's
position or the equivalent level for a position not under CFR
z "Critical element" means a component of an employee's job
that is of sufficient importance that performing below the
minimum standard established by management requires
remedial action, such as denial of within-grade increase, and
may be the basis for reducing the grade level or removing the
z "Unacceptable attendance" means absence from work which
is too frequent, unpredictable, or lengthy to allow the job to be
"Unsatisfactory conduct" means conduct for which an
employee may be removed or disciplined for cause under
adverse action procedures. (For example, discourteous
conduct to the public, behavior which poses a threat to the
life, health, safety, or well-being of co-workers, subordinates,
or the public.)
z "Accommodation" means an adjustment made to a job and/or
work environment that enables a qualified handicapped person
to perform the duties of that position. Reasonable accommo-
dation may include modifying the worksite, adjusting the
work schedule, restructuring the job, acquiring or modifying
equipment or devices, providing interpreters, readers or
personal assistants, and reassigning or retraining employees.
"5 CFR 531.409(d)" is the regulation that provides for a
waiver of the requirements for determination of an employee's
level of competence in certain cases when the employee was
in duty status for less than 60 days during the 52 calendar
weeks before a within-grade increase would be due.
After completing and certifying this form and attaching the
appropriate documentation, you should return the original to the
employee or to your personnel office according to instructions
and practices in your agency. In either case, a copy must be given
to the employee. Please do not send the form directly to OPM
unless OPM specifically requested you to do so.
If necessary, you may be contacted by OPM for additional
information or clarification.
Section B - Information About Employee's Performance
(See instructions above)
Section A - Applicant Identification
1. Name (last, first, middle) 2. Date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 3. Social security number
1. Title of position of record. (Attach a copy of position description and current performance standards.
If available, attach a copy of the latest performance appraisal.)
2. Date of entry into position
3. Is performance less than fully successful in any critical element of position?
Yes, complete items 4 - 6 of this section. No, go to Section C.
Period the increase or award covered.
From (mm/yyyy) To (mm/yyyy)
5. After the date in item 4, has the employee received a within-grade step
increase or an award based on performance of a critical element?
4. Show the approximate date (mm/yyyy)
that unacceptable performance or the
inability to do the job began.
5a. Was within-grade
increase granted under 5
CFR 531.409 (d)? (see
Yes No
Standard Form 3112B
U.S. Office of Personnel Management Revised May 2011
CSRS/FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll Offices Previous edition is usable
Original - To OPM Through Agency Channels