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Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act
Application for Registration of a Business Name,
Sole Proprietorship or Partnership in Nova Scotia
Proprietor /Partners All partners in a partnership must be listed.
Proprietor or partner:
(first name and middle initial) (last name)
(year / month / day)
If you are under 19, enter your birthdate
(postal code)
(apt / suite / unit)
(town or municipality)
(civic number and street)
(province or state)
(first name and middle initial) (last name)
(year / month / day)
If you are under 19, enter your birthdate
(postal code)
(apt / suite / unit)
(town or municipality)
(civic number and street)
(province or state)
Recognized Agent
(postal code)(province)
Mailing address
(if different
from above):
(postal code)(province)(town or municipality)
Recognized agent:
(first name and middle initial) (last name)
Civic address
in Nova Scotia:
writing by the company that the individual has ceased to be the Recognized Agent is
filed with the Registry.
sufficient upon the company, and this appointment shall remain in force until notice in
Agent of any writ, summons, process, notice or other document shall be deemed to be
The Recognized Agent must be resident in Nova Scotia. Service upon the Recognized
appoint an agent. If a business has a Recognized Agent, all correspondence from the
Registry will go to that agent unless the Registry is given written instructions to the contrary.
Sole proprietors who live in Nova Scotia are not required to have an agent. All others must
(apt / suite / unit)
(apt / suite / unit)
(town or municipality)
(civic number and street)
(number and street, PO box, etc.)
N ova S cotia Regis t r y of Joint S tock Compan ies , PO B o x 1529, H alif ax, NS, B3J 2 Y 4
Need help? Contact us at 902-424-7770 (toll-free in NS: 1-800-225-8227) or email at
Rev 01
/21 PF010
Service Nova Scotia
Registry of Joint Stock Companies